Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Simulation Visualiation on Linux

Honored Contributor II

I am using Ubuntu, when I try to use ModelSim-Altera tu run a RTL simulation, I get the messages: 


Info (22036): Successfully launched NativeLink simulation (quartus_sh -t "/home/eduardp/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/qnativesim.tcl" --rtl_sim "register" "register") 


Info (22036): For messages from NativeLink execution see the NativeLink log file /home/eduardp/ProjetosAltera/TutorialVHDL/register1bit/register_nativelink_simulation.rpt 


But nothing shows up. ModelSim seems to work fine when I open it using ./vsim.  


Someone else asked this at , but it's not solved and my problem seems not to be ModelSim installation nor my OS. 


This is the file register_nativelink_simulation.rpt : 


Info: Start Nativelink Simulation process 

Info: NativeLink has detected VHDL design -- VHDL simulation models will be used 


========= EDA Simulation Settings ===================== 


Sim Mode : RTL 

Family : cycloneii 

Quartus root : /home/eduardp/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/linux/ 

Quartus sim root : /home/eduardp/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/eda/sim_lib 

Simulation Tool : modelsim-altera 

Simulation Language : vhdl 

Version : 93 

Simulation Mode : GUI 

Sim Output File :  

Sim SDF file :  

Sim dir : simulation/modelsim 




Info: Starting NativeLink simulation with ModelSim-Altera software 

Sourced NativeLink script /home/eduardp/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/modelsim.tcl 

Warning: File already exists - backing up current file as 

Info: Spawning ModelSim-Altera Simulation software  



thanks in advance
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I'm using Fedora and had the same problem. As it turned out, Quartus starts ModelSim, but ModelSim itself cannot run due to some problems; however, Quartus only saw that the ModelSim process started, and reported that everything was successful. 


What helped me are these two articles: ( and ( 


In a nutshell: 

  • manually execute ModelSim from the shell to see what it tells you; the executable is /installation_path/modelsim_a
  • you probably need all sorts of packets to be installed manually 

  • you probably have to modify the ModelSim startup script (the same file as in my last bullet point), to be compatible with your Linux version 

  • you probably have to install an old version of the freetype library, because the latest and greatest that is installed with modern Linux distros is incompatible with ModelSim 



I have to admit that I never use NativeLink, as manually writing scripts for ModelSim is way more conventient, but I double-checked that on my system invoking ModelSim through NativeLink from Quartus works. 



Best regards, 

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for your answer!! 

I followed the steps in both links, I had mad the freetype thing before, I think what really made it work was setting modelsim_ase/bin instead of modelsim_ase/linuxaloem as the path to modelsim-altera
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