Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16679 Discussions

VHDL codes for battery charge & discharge and Control startegy used in Hybrid system

Honored Contributor II

I am wondering if anyone has come across VHDL codes for a battery charge and discharge, I would like to make a circuit that control the battery charge and discharge and implement the control strategy where the DC-bus is kept constant, it is a part of a hybrid generation system where the battery is used to compensate for the DC-bus variations when there is more demand from the load and in the other hand charge the battery when there is enough DC-bus voltage

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

This isn't actually a VHDL coding problem. You'll want to design the system in terms of power electronics elements (DC/DC converter topologies) and control algorithms. FPGA based digital signal processing is one of several options to implement the control system.

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Honored Contributor II

Many thanks for the reply, i've alreday done it using power electronics as u said, i am just thinking if there is a way to implemnt VHDL codes to generate the algorithm for the control

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Honored Contributor II


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Many thanks for the reply, i've alreday done it using power electronics as u said, i am just thinking if there is a way to implemnt VHDL codes to generate the algorithm for the control 

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I will assume then the control logic could very small. However for the forum to help you will need to describe your algorithm fully and clearly and also add information about fpga interface to the charging circuit (inputs/outputs).
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Honored Contributor II

I'm also wondering about the underlying system topology. In a usual hybrid car, the (high voltage) battery voltage is the DC bus. There's no DC/DC converter ("charger") between both. The motor/generator inverter gets/puts it's power directly from/to the battery. This topology is suggested by the fairly constant battery voltage and efficiency considerations. Additional energy storage/generation systems with variable voltage (supercap, fuel cell) will be connected through DC/DC converters, also possibly the low voltage power supply bus.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for the reply, i am doing it using the power Electronics and simulation is done using powersim in Matlab, i am just curious if any one has done it in simulink, the model should control the battery charge and discharge from/to the DC-bus volatge , so always the bus voltage is constant, i make the model but the problem the DC-bus is not constant, i am sure it is type of PI controllers tuning, if you have come acros it it will be good help

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