Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

Wasted Simulation Events w/functions IS_FAMIL_XYZ and FEATURE_FAMILY_XYZ

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


I am new to Altera, but not new to functional simulation. In the current Altera simulation environment my group uses, I recently profiled the code to see how/where we can speed up simulations by reducing unnecessary events. Surprisingly, I see a lot of what appears to be wasted events coming from the Altera library. The details are below (These were captured w/NC Verilog simulator). Basically, these appear to be a bunch of "silly" functions that dynamically determine which family/features are supported. Instead of determining this statically at compile time, these functions are evaluated dynamically thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of times at run-time. 


I am seeing between 6-10% of my total simulation time in these functions! Here are my questions: 


1) Has anyone else encountered this? What did you to get around it? 


2) Are there any workarounds beyond me mucking around with the local files to try to convert these checks from dynamic to static? 






1.6% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_ARRIAIIGXGX (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1616 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

1.5% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_STRATIXIV (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1603 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.9% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_HARDCOPYIV (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1642 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.8% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_STRATIXIII (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1577 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.5% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_HARDCOPYIII (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1629 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.4% of simulation time: Function FEATURE_FAMILY_STRATIXIII (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1759 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.3% of simulation time: Function FEATURE_FAMILY_STRATIXIV (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1863 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.2% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_ARRIAIIGXGX (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1616 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 

0.2% of simulation time: Function IS_FAMILY_STRATIXIV (file:.../altera_mf.v, line: 1603 in altera.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES [module]) 


6.4% of simulation time Total
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