Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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pipe or socket to sopc system-console on windows?

Honored Contributor II

I'm using the sopc system-console as a conduit into my avalon-mm via a jtag-master. 


Ultimately there will be a nios running uC orchestrating everything, but in the meantime I've written a slew of tcl to control everything. I really needed Tk and some other more advanced (> Tcl 8.3) constructs to really do what I wanted. In order to do this in system-console (which is Tcl 8.0) I ended up opening a pipe to system-console from a higher version tcl shell and passing the system-console commands through that pipe. This works great on linux, but I cannot get this to work on windows. STDIN just does not want to connect (or perhaps it was STDOUT, it was a while ago). I can open a pipe to a stand-alone tcl shell on windows just fine, but system-console just doesn't work for me. 


Has anyone ever done this kind of thing on windows? Or does anyone have another suggestion for me? (I've tried a socket client/server thing, but that makes system-console puke altogether). The java extension in system-console seems promising to getting a socket working (or a pipe), but I haven't yet been able to find the secret sauce for that. 




Rochester MN
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Well, I fixed it. Turns out that only the server side of the tcl socket commands are broken in system-console. So I turned my server-client model upside down and run a socket server in my gui and open a client socket in system-console and I now have wonderful two-way traffic.

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