Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16613 Discussions

preferred way to eliminate sdc time value truncated messages

Honored Contributor II



In my sdc file I calculate various timing values based on a constant that I set in the file. For example: 


# Clock frequency in MHz set clk_base_freq 14.0 # Clock period in ns set clk_base_period create_clock -period $clk_base_period  


When I use the above code, I get truncation warnings like this: 


--- Quote Start ---  


Time value "71.4285714286 ns" truncated to "71.428 ns" 


--- Quote End ---  



I could put rounding/truncation code, such as the following, into every expression, but that's a bit painful. 

set clk_base_period  


A better solution would be some sort of function, like this: 

proc rndto {value places} { set retval return $retval } set clk_base_period  


Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work, or I can't find the appropriate syntax. 


What's the best solution to allowing calculations such as these, while avoiding the time value truncated messages? 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

This seems rather extreme. Most people just specify their clock_base_period manually, rather than using a formula from the clock frequency. This avoids all of the truncation warnings.

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Honored Contributor II

As I mentioned, this was just one example. This particular design uses a TI high-speed ADC, so I've adapted rysc's source synchronous example for the ADS4149 to my design. 


# trace length in inches set BD_adc_data_len_min 0.720 set BD_adc_data_len_max 0.830 set BD_adc_clock_len 1.070 # propagation delay for outer trace in ns/inch set BD_prop 0.140 # propagation delay of traces in ns set BD_adc_data_min set BD_adc_data_max set BD_adc_clock # ################## ADS4122 -> FPGA Interface# ################### # Create virtual clock for ADS4122. Phase-shift it -90 degrees to say # it is center-aligned create_generated_clock -source -phase -90 -name clk_adc_in # The device does not spec what it is actually doing, but what it can # provide. We will use our relationship to figure out what the # ADS4122 is actually doing We will need to know the setup # relationship and hold relationship to perform this calculation, # which are just +90 degrees and -90 degrees in Explicit Clock Shift # Mode set relationship # TI ADS4122 datasheet says it can provide a Tsu and Th to the FPGA: set adc_tsu 2.3 set adc_th 0.35 # Need to calculate whave ADS4122 is actually doing set adc_skew_max set adc_skew_min # The board skew need to be accounted for. Positive means data is # longer than clk, negative means it is shorter than clk. set board_data2clk_skew_max set board_data2clk_skew_min # Now just add the ADC skew and board skew to calculate external delays: set adc_data_max # set adc_data_max set adc_data_min # set adc_data_min set_input_delay -clock clk_adc_in -max $adc_data_max }] set_input_delay -clock clk_adc_in -min $adc_data_min }] set_input_delay -clock clk_adc_in -max $adc_data_max }] -clock_fall -add_delay set_input_delay -clock clk_adc_in -min $adc_data_min }] -clock_fall -add_delay  


As you can see, there are many calculations here. It would be unwieldy to hard code all the values. Additionally, it's easy to imagine a more sophisticated setup where board trace lengths or other values are brought in automatically from other tools. Anyway, I'm surprised there isn't an easy way to eliminate these truncation messages.
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