Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

reset signal does not restore value in post-fit simulation.

Honored Contributor II

i want to simulation the design at post-fit stage. 


but global reset does not have any effect when reset is set. 

the initial value was ignored, all of register was set to 0. 


is that a bug of quartus? can i work around it?
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II

are you sure its not a bug in your code. please post it.

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Honored Contributor II

i don't think it is a bug of code, 

it was been proved by hardware test, it will restore the RESET_VALUE at the start point. 


below is the part which act abnormal in simulation. 


1. module eth_register(DataIn, DataOut, Write, Clk, Reset, SyncReset); parameter WIDTH = 8; // default parameter of the register width parameter RESET_VALUE = 0; input DataIn; input Write; input Clk; input Reset; input SyncReset; output DataOut; reg DataOut; always @ (posedge Clk or posedge Reset) begin if(Reset) begin DataOut<=#1 RESET_VALUE; end else if(SyncReset) begin DataOut<=#1 RESET_VALUE; end else if(Write) // write begin DataOut<=#1 DataIn; end end endmodule // Register ================================== 2. //here is the module initialization code //'ETH_PACKETLEN_DEF_0 was defined as 8'hee. eth_register# (`ETH_PACKETLEN_WIDTH_0, `ETH_PACKETLEN_DEF_0) PACKETLEN_0 ( .DataIn (DataIn), .DataOut (PACKETLENOut), .Write (PACKETLEN_Wr), .Clk (Busclk), .Reset (Reset), .SyncReset (1'b0) ); ====================== 3. cycloneii_routing_wire inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_DATAIN_routing_wire_inst ( .datain(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_a17_combout), .dataout(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_DATAIN_driver)); cycloneii_routing_wire inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ACLR_routing_wire_inst ( .datain(inst_aeth_A_aReset_aclkctrl_outclk), .dataout(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ACLR_driver)); cycloneii_routing_wire inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ENA_routing_wire_inst ( .datain(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_Wr_a2_a_a4_combout), .dataout(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ENA_driver)); // atom is at LCFF_X34_Y19_N9 cycloneii_lcell_ff inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a( .clk(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_CLK_driver), .datain(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_DATAIN_driver), .sdata(gnd), .aclr(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ACLR_driver), .sclr(gnd), .sload(gnd), .ena(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut_a6_a_ENA_driver), .devclrn(devclrn), .devpor(devpor), .regout(inst_aeth_A_aethreg1_aPACKETLEN_0_aDataOut));  

code 1 is register's rtl code. 

code 2 is one implementation of register. 

code 3 is the code i found in vo files, which describes the dataout[6] pin value. 

the value of this reg should be 1 after reset. 

but in this code the reset signal was connected with ACLR pin of the lcell_ff, in whose simulation source file, aclr pin would only reset the inner register to 0.
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Honored Contributor II

With recent FPGAs, e.g. Cyclone III, asynchronous set will always use aclr and "not pushback" to invert the value, please consult the Quartus software manunal for details. In gate level simulation, you'll possibly see a wrong value for the register, because not pushback isn't considered. But the value should appear correctly in derived signals.

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Honored Contributor II

please give me the reference link on "not pushback", i cant catch what it means. 

i searched the quartus handbook for it, but still have no idea.
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Honored Contributor II

i got that, does it means that i must turn this option off in order to get the correct initial environment after reset?

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Honored Contributor II

Without the "NOT Gate Push-Back" option, Quartus can't synthesize registers with asynchronous set. 


Please notice, that I only assume, that the option is the reason why you see a wrong register content. The more important question is, if the register's initial value is correctly seen by the design.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Without the "NOT Gate Push-Back" option, Quartus can't synthesize registers with asynchronous set. 


Please notice, that I only assume, that the option is the reason why you see a wrong register content. The more important question is, if the register's initial value is correctly seen by the design. 

--- Quote End ---  




the reset signal works correct in the design, but the failure of initial value loading makes it difficult to perform the timing simulation.
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