Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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signal tap 2 at Quartus 13.0 web edition

Honored Contributor II

Hi ,  

i started to work with Quartus 13.0 web edition and turn on the signal tap 2 via Quartus . 

after i define the signals i need to watch , i compile the project with .stp file and got error says that signal tap 2 cant work with web edition and need to  

enable the Altera talkback feature . 

i did as follows at Altera website and run : tb2_install.exe at Quartus directory at my pc . 

i got error :  

"This application has failes to start because sys_tb2_install_dialog.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."  

i restart the application and reboot my pc and it didnt helped . 

what should i do in order to work signal tap 2 properly ?
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

can someone assist please ? 

i have all Altera products :Quartus 13.0 web edition , Model sim and developement kit - cyclone 4 but i cant debug my project since the .stp file cant compile with my project .  

need your help guys . 

Thanks a lot .
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Honored Contributor II

I had 13.0sp1 web edition installed and have no problem using SignalTap. I can find that file in the installed directory together with the rest of Quartus files. For example, my quartus is installed at F:\altera\13.0sp1\quartus\bin. I can find this file there as such: 

06/12/2013 06:47 PM 58,880 sys_tb2_install_dialog.dll 


Do you see that file? How did you start Quartus? Are you running with admin permission?
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Honored Contributor II

The sys_tb2_install_dialog.dll file isn't exists at my local directory c:\altera\13.0sp1\quartus\bin but found at c:\altera\13.0sp1\quartus\bin64

my pc is 32 bit so i run tb2_install.exe from c:\altera\13.0sp1\quartus\bin

i tried to copy sys_tb2_install_dialog.dll from bin64 directory to bin directory and it didn't work ... 


should i install quartus again ? this time with sp1 ?
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Honored Contributor II

I have a 32-bit Windows. I don't have that file in bin64 at all. You definitely shouldn't copy any files between bin and bin64, especially those binary files. 32-bit program can not load 64-bit dlls, and vice versa. It is an operating system thing. 


I doubt it is a problem with 13.0. I don't remember I had problem there. I'd say that you should uninstall and re-install. Since you are re-installing anyway, you should just go with sp1. I know I need to enable talkback to use SignalTap. I think I mostly likely enabled it when installer asked. (? or some other step.) It was just 2nd nature to me to answer yes to that question for the sake of using SignalTap. I don't even know this tb2_install.exe program anymore.
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Honored Contributor II

ok ,  

i will uninstall and re install and hope this time it work properly ...
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