Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite
Support for SoC FPGA Software Development, SoC FPGA HPS Architecture, HPS SoC Boot and Configuration, Operating Systems
458 Discussions

how to use separated the FPGA configuration and HPS booting?

New Contributor II

As below figure shows, we use the 10AS016 chip, and we have 2 EPCQ flashes on our board, one for HPS booting and the other for FPGA configuration. We stored the FPGA configure file in the FPGA side EPCQ because we want to use the “remote system update” feature in our application to manage the factory image and app image.

With this structure, I think the separated FPGA configuration and HPS booting is suitable for us. But because we need to use DDR for our HPS, per the manual, If the hard memory controller or shared I/O are required by the HPS, then the FPGA fabric and I/O (FPGA, shared and hard memory controller) configuration must be complete before the HPS can boot. But I don’t know how to control the HPS booting start only after the FPGA configuration done, I checked several documents but found no information for this, so can you help to tell me how to do with this?

Thanks in advance.



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22 Replies
New Contributor II

I have no more questions on this topic, pls close this case and very thanks your strong support these days!


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