Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)
Discussion board focused on hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide extended code protection in solutions.
1499 Discussions

Change to Planned Attestation Service (EPID) Enforcement Date for recent microcode/software updates


Intel Services Update: Change to Planned Enforcement Date of microcode and software updates via Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions Attestation Service Utilizing Intel(R) Enhanced Privacy ID


Based on partner feedback and also contingent on resolution of functional sightings impacting a subset of affected products, Intel is deferring providing the ability to enforce the presence of microcode and software updates based on Intel Product Update (IPU 2022.1) via remote attestation to a future date, with the goal that this date be no later than April 18, 2023. Recently communicated plans to have the Development Environment (DEV) enforce the presence of microcode and software updates on platforms via remote attestation beginning June 21, 2022 and the Production Environment (LIV) enforce the presence of the updates via remote attestation beginning July 19, 2022 will be reassessed in the future based on new microcode and / or software availability dates, once finalized. The functional sightings impacting a subset of affected products do not alter the effectiveness of the microcode and software provided to mitigate the CVEs in scope for IPU 2022.1.


Update November 4:

Intel® SGX Trusted Computing Base (TCB) Recovery Plans for Q4 2022 have been published – details can be found here.



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