Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)
Discussion board focused on hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide extended code protection in solutions.

Platform Services initialization failed


I ran a given demo which named 'SealedData', and I got the log:

	Replay Protected DRM operation:
monotonic counter is not supported
Initialization the DRM failed.

	Replay Protected DRM update limitation:
monotonic counter is not supported
Initialization the DRM failed.

	Replay Protected DRM replay attack protection:
monotonic counter is not supported
Initialization the DRM failed.

	Time based policy operation:
trusted time is not supported
Initialization the time based policy failed.

	Time based policy expiration:
trusted time is not supported
Initialization the time based policy failed.

Then,I check the aesmd services,and I find a error ,Platform Services initialization failed due to DAL error.

How to solve this problem?





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