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confused over the different parallel for

New Contributor I

hi, I am trying to write code that I previously wrote for cuda,

but so far, I still find the learning curve is a hard as it was two years ago.

This code is a straight counting sort that works perfectly on VS cpp and cuda 


here is a very base function that, I can't get to work as expected.

template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclCountItems(sycl::queue& queue, buffer<T>& src, buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	ndAssert((1 << exponentRadix) <= D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE);
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		//ndEvaluateKey evaluator;
		int arraySize = src.size();
		int workGroupSize = 1 << exponentRadix;
		int workGroupCount = (arraySize + workGroupSize - 1) / workGroupSize;

		sycl::accessor<T, 1> srcAccessor(src, handler);
		sycl::accessor<int, 1>  scanAccessor(scansBuffer, handler);
		sycl::local_accessor<int, 1> counters(D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE, handler);

		sycl::stream out(1024, 256, handler);
		handler.parallel_for(nd_range<1>{ {workGroupCount}, {workGroupSize}}, [=](nd_item<1> item)
			id<1> localId = item.get_local_id();
			counters[localId] = localId;
			id<1> flatId = item.get_global_id();
			scanAccessor[flatId] = counters[localId];

			id<1> globalId = item.get_global_id();
			out << "flatId: " << flatId << "group:" << item.get_global_id() << "  local : " << localId << sycl::endl;

 the log produces this: 

flatId: {0}group:{0} local : {0}
flatId: {1}group:{1} local : {1}
flatId: {2}group:{2} local : {2}
flatId: {3}group:{3} local : {3}


but I expect  something like,


flatId: {0}group:{0} local : {0}

flatId: {1}group:{0} local : {1}

flatId: {9}group:{2} local : {2}

flatId: {8}group:{1} local : {1}

flatId: {3}group:{0} local : {3}

flatId: {8}group:{2} local : {6}

flatId: {9}group:{1} local : {0}

flatId: {7}group:{0} local : {7}

flatId: {10}group:{1} local : {3}


and if I read that scansBuffer, I should get an array like

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .... , workgrupoSize

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .... , workgrupoSize 

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .... , workgrupoSize



but instead, I get this:

-		m_cpuBuffer2	{ size=65536 }	StlVector<int>
		[capacity]	65536	unsigned __int64
+		[allocator]	{...}	std::_Compressed_pair<StlAllocator<int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int>>,1>
		[0]	0	int
		[1]	0	int
		[2]	0	int
		[3]	0	int
		[4]	0	int
		[5]	0	int
		[6]	0	int
		[7]	0	int
		[8]	0	int
		[9]	1	int
		[10]	2	int
		[11]	3	int
		[12]	0	int
		[13]	0	int
		[14]	0	int
		[15]	0	int
		[16]	0	int
		[17]	1	int
		[18]	2	int
		[19]	3	int
		[20]	0	int
		[21]	0	int
		[22]	0	int
		[23]	0	int
		[24]	0	int


not even in the ballpark and I do not see any patern

It is almost like the paraller_for only schedule on work item per work group.

and somehow a nested loop is necessary, by is some I do not see any example on the

book Data Parallel C++, which in the was written the same Intel engineer how design this.


again this code work perfectly in CUDA.

0 Kudos
1 Solution
New Contributor I

awesome !!

that worked very nice. 


thank you very much.



View solution in original post

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10 Replies
New Contributor I

one way I can get this above code working is if I write like this.


template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclCountItems(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	ndAssert((1 << exponentRadix) <= D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE);
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		ndEvaluateKey evaluator;
		int arraySize = src.size();
		int workGroupSize = 1 << exponentRadix;
		int workGroupCount = (arraySize + workGroupSize - 1) / workGroupSize;
		sycl::range<1> workGroupSizeRange(workGroupSize);
		sycl::range<1> workGroupCountRange(workGroupCount);

		sycl::accessor srcAccessor(src, handler);
		sycl::accessor scanAccessor(scansBuffer, handler);
		sycl::local_accessor<int, 1> counters(D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE, handler);

		handler.parallel_for_work_group(workGroupCountRange, workGroupSizeRange, [=](sycl::group<1> group)
			sycl::id<1> groupId = group.get_group_id();
			int base = groupId * workGroupSize;
			group.parallel_for_work_item([&](sycl::h_item<1> item)
				sycl::id<1> localId = item.get_local_id();
				counters[localId] = 0;

			group.parallel_for_work_item([&](sycl::h_item<1> item)
				sycl::id<1> localId = item.get_local_id();
				int srcIndex = base + localId;
				int scanIndex = evaluator.GetCount(srcAccessor[srcIndex]);
				sycl::atomic_ref<int, sycl::memory_order::relaxed, sycl::memory_scope::work_item> atomicIndex(counters[scanIndex]);

			group.parallel_for_work_item([&](sycl::h_item<1> item)
				sycl::id<1> localId = item.get_local_id();
				scanAccessor[base + localId] = counters[localId];



which is rather very elegant, but the part that I am dubious about is, the code is scheduling separate kernels.  

for example, what happens at the end of a 

group.parallel_for_work_item([&](sycl::h_item<1> item)


the code does not seem to allow using a barriers.



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

here is some information related about this problem with local shared memory and registers.

imagine you get a sequence, of number and you want to get the prefix sum scan


 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 

for simplicity the count is a power of two.

the expected result should be.

0, 3, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8


using Cuda, this code accomplice that: 


template <typename BufferItem, typename SortKeyPredicate>
__global__ void ndCudaCountingSortCountShuffleItemsInternal(const BufferItem* src, BufferItem* dst, unsigned* histogram, unsigned size, SortKeyPredicate GetSortKey, unsigned prefixKeySize)
	__shared__  unsigned cacheItemCount[D_COUNTING_SORT_BLOCK_SIZE / 2 + D_COUNTING_SORT_BLOCK_SIZE + 1];

	const unsigned blockId = blockIdx.x;
	const unsigned threadId = threadIdx.x;
	for (int i = 1; i < prefixKeySize; i = i << 1)
		const unsigned countSum = cacheItemCount[prefixBase + threadId] + cacheItemCount[prefixBase - i + threadId];

		cacheItemCount[prefixBase + threadId] = countSum;


the intermediate result will be offset by the word_group / 2, therefore the result is.

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 


I am trying to write sycl equivalent, and this is what I get to running, 


template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclMergeBuckects(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<T>& dst, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		ndEvaluateKey evaluator;
		int arraySize = src.size();
		int workGroupSize = 1 << exponentRadix;
		int workGroupCount = (arraySize + workGroupSize - 1) / workGroupSize;
		sycl::range<1> workGroupSizeRange(workGroupSize);
		sycl::range<1> workGroupCountRange(workGroupCount);
		sycl::local_accessor<int, 1> cacheItemCount(D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE / 2 + D_COUNTING_SORT_LOCAL_BLOCK_SIZE + 1, handler);

		//sycl::stream out(1024, 256, handler);
		handler.parallel_for_work_group(workGroupCountRange, workGroupSizeRange, [=](sycl::group<1> group)
			for (int i = 1; i < workGroupSize; i = i << 1)
				group.parallel_for_work_item([&](sycl::h_item<1> item)
					int localId = item.get_local_id();
					int countSum = cacheItemCount[prefixBase + localId] + cacheItemCount[prefixBase - i + localId];

					cacheItemCount[prefixBase + localId] = countSum;


but that produces this sequence:


cacheItemCount	{...}	const 
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7, 11, 15, 22, 30, 0}	int[13]


so somehow, there is a race condition.  and the values in register count is invalid. 

I did not see any function other than group.mem_fence   to make sure the date is all read before the local buffer is overwritten.




0 Kudos


Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.

Could you please provide both (DPC++ and CUDA) complete reproducer codes so that we can investigate this issue more from our end?

Thanks and Regards,

Pendyala Sesha Srinivas

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

sure. Here is a very simplified version of the problem with running code examples.

here is a sycl hello world program


template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclMergeBuckects(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<T>& dst, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		sycl::accessor dstAccessor(dst, handler);
		sycl::stream out(4096, 256, handler);

		sycl::range<1> range(8);
		handler.parallel_for(range, [=](sycl::id<1> id)
			out << id << sycl::endl;

the function above generates this sequence.



the problem is that the simplistic kernel does not allow for data synchronization using work_group of some application defined size 

so the same function si now written using the nd_range instead.


template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclMergeBuckects(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<T>& dst, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		sycl::accessor dstAccessor(dst, handler);

		sycl::stream out(4096, 256, handler);

		sycl::range<1> localSize(4);
		sycl::range<1> globalSize(2);
		handler.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1>(globalSize, localSize), [=](sycl::nd_item<1> item)
			sycl::id<1> id_x = item.get_local_id(0);
			sycl::id<1> id_y = item.get_global_id(0);
			size_t width = item.get_local_range(0);
			size_t index = id_y * width + id_x;
			out << index << sycl::endl;


I expect the above kernel to generate a very similar sequance, but instead produces this 


it seems it schedule two work groups, which is fine, but each group only has one id, when it should have 4.


below is the cuda equivalent.

__global__ void ndCudaMerge()
	const unsigned threadId = threadIdx.x;
	const unsigned index = threadId + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
	printf("cuda %d\n", index);

//this is called with this 

	ndCudaMerge << <2, 4 >> > ();

 the  cuda kernel generates this sequence

cuda 0
cuda 1
cuda 2
cuda 3
cuda 4
cuda 5
cuda 6
cuda 7


so the questin is how do I read the work_group items,  from each group?


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

well, I am not sure why the code same does show up, I posted it twice already.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Alright since the code sniped does shows on the post, I placed in a file and attached it to this post.


I have spent over two weeks try to resolve this problem, I have been programing professionally for almost 35 years,

I bought the book on Parallel programming, I read the Chronos spec on SYCL, I browsed many of the popular sight and

notone seems to have this problem, so it most I who is doing something wrong, but for the light of me, I can't determine what. 

The test sample I send are copied almost verbatim from snipe of code from Intel own documentation.

Intel docs


any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Julio Jerez


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

sure, here are the samples.

this is s hello word kind of kernel that I need to convert to and nd_range kerenel.

template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclMergeBuckects(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<T>& dst, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		sycl::accessor dstAccessor(dst, handler);
		sycl::stream out(4096, 256, handler);

		sycl::range<1> range(8);
		handler.parallel_for(range, [=](sycl::id<1> id)
			out << id << sycl::endl;

that kernel produces the fallowing sequence



the nd_range version is this:

template <class T, class ndEvaluateKey, int exponentRadix>
void SyclMergeBuckects(sycl::queue& queue, sycl::buffer<T>& src, sycl::buffer<T>& dst, sycl::buffer<int>& scansBuffer)
	queue.submit([&](sycl::handler& handler)
		sycl::accessor dstAccessor(dst, handler);

		sycl::stream out(4096, 256, handler);

		sycl::range<1> localSize(4);
		sycl::range<1> globalSize(2);
		handler.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1>(globalSize, localSize), [=](sycl::nd_item<1> item)
			sycl::id<1> id_x = item.get_local_id(0);
			sycl::id<1> id_y = item.get_global_id(0);
			size_t width = item.get_local_range(0);
			size_t index = id_y * width + id_x;
			out << index << sycl::endl;

but that kernel produces this sequence.



here is the working Cuda equivalent.

__global__ void ndCudaMerge()
	const unsigned threadId = threadIdx.x;
	const unsigned index = threadId + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
	printf("cuda %d\n", index);

//this is called with this 

	ndCudaMerge << <2, 4 >> > ();

which generates:

cuda 0
cuda 1
cuda 2
cuda 3
cuda 4
cuda 5
cuda 6
cuda 7


so my question is how to I write a proper nd_range kernel that allows me to iterate by the specified work_group size.

I tried almost all possible combinations and they all fail. 

what am I missing?

0 Kudos



Please find the below DPC++ code using nd_range kernel for the corresponding CUDA code.

#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
using namespace sycl;

void ndCudaMerge(nd_item<3> item1, const stream &out)
    const unsigned threadId = item1.get_local_id(2);
    const unsigned index = threadId + item1.get_local_range(2) * item1.get_group(2);

    out << "DPCPP "<< index <<"\n";

int main() 
    queue q;
    q.submit([&](handler &cgh) {
        stream out(64 * 1024, 80, cgh);
        cgh.parallel_for(nd_range<3>(range<3>(1, 1, 2) * range<3>(1, 1, 4),range<3>(1, 1, 4)),
                         [=](nd_item<3> item1) {
                             ndCudaMerge(item1, out); 

    return 0;

Thanks and Regards,

Pendyala Sesha Srinivas


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

awesome !!

that worked very nice. 


thank you very much.



0 Kudos


Thanks for accepting the solution. If you need any additional information, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel.

Thanks and Regards,

Pendyala Sesha Srinivas

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