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!=============================================================================== ! Copyright 2003-2020 Intel Corporation. ! ! This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and ! your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were ! provided to you (License). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not ! use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this software or ! the related documents without Intel's prior written permission. ! ! This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express ! or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the ! License. !=============================================================================== ! Content: ! Calculation of correlation matrix Example Program Text !******************************************************************************/ include 'mkl_vsl.f90' include "errcheck.inc" include "generatedata.inc" include "statchars.inc" program MKL_VSL_TEST USE MKL_VSL_TYPE USE MKL_VSL integer,parameter :: DIM = 3 ! Task dimension integer,parameter :: NN = 10000 ! Number of observations real(kind=8),parameter :: P_THRESHOLD = 0.01 real(kind=8) C(DIM*DIM) ! Exact covariance matrix data C / 16.0, 8.0, 4.0, & & 8.0, 13.0, 17.0, & & 4.0, 17.0, 62.0 / real(kind=8) a(DIM) ! Exact mean data a / 3.0, 5.0, 2.0 / TYPE(VSL_SS_TASK) task integer p integer n integer x_storage integer cov_storage integer cor_storage real(kind=8) x(DIM,NN) real(kind=8) cov(DIM,DIM), cor(DIM,DIM) real(kind=8) mean(DIM), temp integer i, j integer(kind=4) errcode integer errnums integer(kind=8) task_params integer task_method real(kind=8) pval_mean(DIM) real(kind=8) pval_cov(DIM,DIM) ! ***** Initialize parameters of Summary Statistics task ***** p = DIM n = NN x_storage = VSL_SS_MATRIX_STORAGE_COLS cov_storage = VSL_SS_MATRIX_STORAGE_FULL cor_storage = VSL_SS_MATRIX_STORAGE_FULL task_params = ior( VSL_SS_COV, VSL_SS_COR ) task_method = VSL_SS_METHOD_FAST errcode = 0 ! ***** Generate data set using VSL GaussianMV RNG ***** errcode = dGenerateGaussianMVData( p, n, x, a, C ) call CheckVslError( errcode ) ! ***** Create Summary Statistics task ***** errcode = vsldssnewtask( task, p, n, x_storage, x ) call CheckVslError( errcode ) ! ***** Initialization of the task parameters using FULL_STORAGE ! for covariance/correlation matrices ***** errcode = vsldsseditcovcor( task, mean, cov, cov_storage, & & cor, cor_storage ) call CheckVslError( errcode ) ! ***** Compute covariance/correlation matrices using FAST method ***** errcode = vsldsscompute( task, task_params, task_method ) call CheckVslError( errcode ) ! ***** Testing stat characteristics of mean and covariance matrix ***** call dComputePvalsMean( p, n, mean, a, C, pval_mean ) call dComputePvalsVariance( p, n, cov, C, pval_cov ) call dComputePvalsCovariance( p, n, cov, C, pval_cov ) errnums = 0 do i = 1, p if ( pval_mean(i) < P_THRESHOLD ) then errnums = errnums + 1 end if do j = 1, i if ( pval_cov(i,j) < P_THRESHOLD ) then errnums = errnums + 1 end if end do end do ! ***** Printing results ***** print *, 'Task dimension : ', p print *, 'Number of observations : ', n print *, '' ! ***** Print the exact mean, covariance and correlation matrices ***** print *, 'Exact means' do i = 1, p print 5, a(i), ' ' end do print *, '' print *, '' print *, ' Exact covariance matrix ', & & ' Exact correlation matrix' do i = 1, p do j = 1, p print 5, C((j - 1)*p + i), ' ' end do print 6, ' ' do j = 1, p temp = 1.0 if ( j /= i ) then temp = sqrt( C((i - 1)*p + i) * C((j - 1)*p + j) ) end if print 5, C((j - 1)*p + i) / temp, ' ' end do print *, '' end do print *, '' ! ***** Print the computed mean, covariance and correlation matrices ***** print *, ' Computed means' do i = 1, p print 5, mean(i), ' ' end do print *, '' print *, '' print *, ' Computed covariance matrix ', & & ' Computed correlation matrix' do i = 1, p do j = 1, p print 5, cov(i, j), ' ' end do print 6, ' ' do j = 1, p print 5, cor(i, j), ' ' end do print *, '' end do print *,'' print *, 'P-values of the computed means' do i = 1, p print 5, pval_mean(i), ' ' end do print *, '' print *, '' print *, 'P-values of the computed covariance matrix' do i = 1, p do j = 1, i print 5, pval_cov(i, j), ' ' end do print *, '' end do print *, '' ! ***** Printing summary of the test ***** if ( errnums == 0 ) then print *, ' Mean and covariance estimates agree with theory' else print *, ' Error: Mean and/or covariance estimates', & & ' disagree with theory' stop 1 end if ! ***** Delete Summary Statistics task ***** errcode = vslssdeletetask( task ) call CheckVslError( errcode ) call MKL_FREE_BUFFERS() 5 format (F9.6,A,$) 6 format (A,$) end
Does this correlation function work if the data includes a sine wave in the random data?
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N the Intel Fortran Forum -- I get an error on trying to post a new topic
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I have rebooted and done a scannow and it still happens
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>>Does this correlation function work if the data includes a sine wave in the random data?
<< yes, it does
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