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DFTI_FORWARD_SCALE Do not work on x64



I am using the DftiSetValue API to set FFT gain. However I find it does not  work as the same as the api reference.

The reference says " the data type of the scale factor is the same precision as the value for DFTI_PRECISION. "  I find it should always be Double even I do the Single FFT. 

While I change to intel64 system, this api doesn't work whatever I set. When I call this api to set the DFTI_FORWARD_SCALE, I can't get the correct result when doing the FFT. The result of the FFT always  be 0. I call the DftiGetValue to get the DFTI_FORWARD_SCALE back and I find it is 0 on both Double or Single FFT.

Have anyone met  the problem ?


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