Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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DGESV modifies programming variables without passing them

I am using Visual Studio Community 2022, along with Intel Fortran Compiler & Intel Fortran Compiler Classic 2024.1.0 and Itenl one API Base Toolkit with MKL API Math 2024.1; When using IFORT and the DGESV function the program resolves a system without problems, but when using IFX I noticed that DGESV modifies variables in my program that I do not pass as input variables, I was able to verify this since I printed the values ​​of these variables before and after to execute DGESV. I don't know if working with IFX I should protect all program variables or IFX is modifying memory sectors. I understand that IFORT will be discontinued in October 2024 and I want to take precaution since later it could be more difficult to correct the problem


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

The leading dimension of matrix H is given as Nn-2 when it is allocated in line 154, but the fourth argument in the call to DEGESV on line 270 differs from this. Change this line to

call DGESV(n, 1, H, nn-2, ipiv, B, nn-2, info)

and try again.

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