Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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FREE Webinars in Australia from Intel


Intel Software Products Division and its Australian reseller, Hearne Scientific Software, invite you to six free webinars covering the latest Intel software development technologies for Windows* and Linux* that will provide you with both the knowledge and practical skills to create great software.

  • Intel Fortran Compilers
  • Intel C++ Compilers
  • Intel VTune Performance Analyzers
  • Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
  • Intel Math Kernel Library
  • Intel Threading Tools

Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL)

Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) for Windows and Linux - What's new in Version 7.0?

Intel Fortran compilers version 8.0 combine technologies and The Intel Math Kernel library (Intel MKL) is Intel's flagship product for math on HPC machines. This presentation will cover the performance and key components of Intel MKL with emphasis on new functionality in the recently released version 7.0. These features include new support for ScaLAPACK on Linux clusters and a direct sparse solver. Find out why top performing supercomputers in the world use Intel MKL.

Presented by Todd Rosenquist - Technical Consulting Engineer

Todd Rosenquist is a Technical Consulting Engineer supporting the Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL). He has worked with Intel MKL in several different capacities for 4 years.

Date: 19 August 2004
Time: 10am AEST


If you would like further information regarding these webinars, please contact Hearne Scientific Software and request to speak to Michael Koukoullis.

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