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I was trying to use trust region solver for one of my code. I found that the jacobian given by the solver is calculating only half of thevalues (i.e. n*m/2)whilefor rest of thecalculation it gives zeros and brakes out with the RCI_Request == -5. ??
I have tested solver with some small eqation where i have calculated the jacobian(i.e. (f(x) - f(x'))/(x - x')) and compared the same with jacobian given by the solver which are same but not for my original code.
One more thing is i found that, though i am giving initial guess as upper bounds ,while perturbing the variable in costfun calculation goes beyond upper bounds .??
I know without code it will be difficul to find the errors, hope someone might be able to hint the possible reasons.
followingare thecalls which i use. it may help
if (dtrnlspbc_init (&handle, &n, &m, x, LW, UP, eps, &iter1, &iter2,&rs) != TR_SUCCESS) {}
if (dtrnlspbc_solve (&handle, fvec, fjac, &RCI_Request) != TR_SUCCESS) {}
if (RCI_Request == 1)
if (RCI_Request == 2)
if (djacobi (CostFun, &n, &m, fjac, x, eps) != TR_SUCCESS)
return 0;
fp_temp= fopen("solverResFjac.dat","w");
Jacobian(fjac1,n,m,x,fvec); // user defined jacobian
fp_temp= fopen("solverResFjac1.dat","w");
Thanks ,
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Hi Gennady ,
Thanks for the reply. I found there are someproblem with my code..:) .
But still if my initial guess is one of the boundary condition, in jacobian it crosses the boundary condition which i dont want to happen ,So i am calculating jacobian.
I found the values are same in solver calculated and user defined but still the next iteartion values are different with both the cases.
Please let me know if i am missing something here..
[bash]#include#include #include #include void myJacobi(double *c,double *y,double *fjec,int n,int m,double *fvec); void myCostFun(int *m, int *n, double *x, double *f); double y[7]; int main() { //double y[7]; double xin[7]; double c[3] = {3 ,2 ,3}; /* n - number of function variables m - dimension of function value */ int n = 3, m = 7; /* precisions for stop-criteria (see manual for more details) */ double eps[6]; /* solution vector. contains values x for f(x) */ double *x; /* iter1 - maximum number of iterations iter2 - maximum number of iterations of calculation of trial-step */ int iter1 = 1000, iter2 = 100; /* initial step bound */ double rs = 100.0; /* reverse communication interface parameter */ int RCI_Request; /* controls of rci cycle */ int successful; /* function (f(x)) value vector */ double *fvec; /* jacobi matrix */ double *fjac,*fjac1; /* lower and upper bounds */ double *LW, *UP; /* number of iterations */ int iter; /* number of stop-criterion */ int st_cr; /* initial and final residuals */ double r1, r2; /* TR solver handle */ _TRNSPBC_HANDLE_t handle; /* cycles counter */ int i; /* memory allocation */ x = (double*) malloc (sizeof (double)*n); fvec = (double*) malloc (sizeof (double)*m); LW = (double*) malloc (sizeof (double)*n); UP = (double*) malloc (sizeof (double)*n); fjac = (double*) malloc (sizeof (double)*m*n); fjac1 = (double*) calloc (m*n,sizeof (double)); /* set precisions for stop-criteria */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { eps = 0.00001; } /* set the initial guess */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = 4.2; } /* set the initial values */ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fvec = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < m*n; i++) fjac = 0.0; /* set bounds */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { LW = 0; UP = 4; } for(i=0;i<7;i++) { xin = i+1; y = c[0]*xin +c[1]*xin*xin +c[2]*xin*xin; } if (dtrnlspbc_init (&handle, &n, &m, x, LW, UP, eps, &iter1, &iter2, &rs) != TR_SUCCESS) { printf ("| error in dtrnlspbc_initn"); return 0; } /* set initial rci cycle variables */ RCI_Request = 0; successful = 0; /* rci cycle */ while (successful == 0) { if (dtrnlspbc_solve (&handle, fvec, fjac, &RCI_Request) != TR_SUCCESS) { printf ("error in dtrnlspbc_solven"); return 0; } /* according to rci_request value we do next step */ if (RCI_Request == -1 || RCI_Request == -2 || RCI_Request == -3 || RCI_Request == -4 || RCI_Request == -5 || RCI_Request == -6) /* exit rci cycle */ successful = 1; if (RCI_Request == 1) { myCostFun(&m, &n, x, fvec); printf("Cost function n"); for (i=0;i ); } } if (RCI_Request == 2) { /* compute jacobi matrix*/ if (djacobi(myCostFun, &n, &m, fjac, x, eps) != TR_SUCCESS) { printf ("error in djacobin"); return 0; } myJacobi(x,y,fjac1,n,m,fvec); printf("Jacobiann MKLtt User definedn"); for (i=0;i ,fjac1); } } } if (dtrnlspbc_get (&handle, &iter, &st_cr, &r1, &r2) != TR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } if (dtrnlspbc_delete (&handle) != TR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } printf ("The result isn"); for(i=0;i ); //printf ("n The Cost is %fn"); /* free allocated memory */ free (x); free (fvec); free (fjac); free (LW); free (UP); /* if final residual is less than required precision then print pass */ if (r2 < 0.1) printf ("| dtrnlspbc ..........PASSn"); /* else print failed */ else printf ("| dtrnlspbc .........FAILEDn"); getch(); return 0; } void myCostFun(int *m, int *n, double *x, double *f) // (double* c,double *y,double *fvec) { int i= 0; double fx[7]; double xin[7]; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { xin = i+1; fx = x[0]*xin +x[1]*xin*xin +x[2]*xin*xin; f = (y-fx); } //return resCost; } void myJacobi(double *c1,double *y,double *fjec,int n,int m,double *fvec) { int i =0,j=0,k=0; float x[7]; double fx[7]; double fv[7]; float var = 0.01; float del; double c[3]; for(j = 0;j = c1 ; } del = (c +var*c )- c ; c = c +var*c ; for(i=0;i = i+1; fx = c[0]*x +c[1]*x*x +c[2]*x*x; fv = (y-fx); fjec[j*m+i] = (fv - fvec)/del; } } }[/bash]
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The output is as follows..
Cost function in 1st iteration -
Jacobian -
MKL User Defined
-1.000000 -1.000000
-2.000000 -2.000000
-3.000000 -3.000000
-4.000000 -4.000000
-5.000000 -5.000000
-6.000000 -6.000000
-7.000000 -7.000000
-1.000000 -1.000000
-4.000000 -4.000000
-9.000000 -9.000000
-16.000000 -16.000000
-25.000000 -25.000000
-36.000000 -36.000000
-49.000000 -49.000000
-1.000000 -1.000000
-4.000000 -4.000000
-9.000000 -9.000000
-16.000000 -16.000000
-25.000000 -25.000000
-36.000000 -36.000000
-49.000000 -49.000000
These are the cost function and jacobian for 1st iteration which are same..
But the cost function( new values of variable ) with djacobi is ...
Cost function in 2nd iteration
whereas afterusing myjacobi the output is,
Cost function in 2nd iteartion
if i feed the same data as cost and jacobian why there should be difference in next iteration?
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