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How do I attach MKL routines from Visual studio ?

New Contributor I

I was trying to use DGESV to solve a set of linear equations, an MKL routine.

but it tells me its an unknown entry point.

Steve mentioned using a LINKER option, but I don't see any way to do that from Visual Studio.

I looked thru all the drop down menus.

at least if its there, it is sure deeply buried somewhere.

No problem using the routine, if I can attach it somehow.


any clues ?

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5 Replies
New Contributor I

That does not answer my question.

I am using FORTRAN, not C++

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Honored Contributor III

The linker processes a number of object files and libraries, which are themselves collections of object files. It does not care whether the object files were obtained from compiling sources in Fortran, C, C++, Assembler, C#, etc. The same MKL libraries are used regardless of which language was used to write the sources from which MKL routines are called.

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New Contributor I

Well, what good is it if I cant use any Fortran source code ?

I am referring to the  IDE, (Visual Studio)  not the linker.


Steve told me it has a problem with Fortran, but he did not mention the current version number that I now have.


There are a lot of users that have strictly FORTRAN source code in the science app.

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Honored Contributor III

I understand that there are problems using certain versions of Visual Studio with Intel Fortran for Windows and Steve Lionel is helping you with that in the Intel Fortran for Windows forum. By the way, I happen to have VS 15.3.3 and IFort 18.0.3 on my PC, which I use mainly to run Fortran programs in the symbolic debugger. When I tried out the dgesvs.f90 example code, I ran into a VS "...not registered.." error related to the Ifort - VS integration. However, doing the steps given at restored the VS functionality.

If you have already installed a newer version of VS, one which is known to have integration problems with Ifort, you can either look for an older version of VS2017 or wait for Intel to fix the problem.

In the meantime, you can quite comfortably work at the command line with small Fortran codes that call MKL routines. To compile and link the example file dgesvx.f, for example, the command is

     ifort /Qmkl dgesvx.f

By the time that you become familiar with MKL and its high performance routines, we could hope that the bugs in the integration of Intel Fortran into Visual Studio will have been fixed.

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