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[fortran]program Main ! Equazione di Laplace su un dominio quadrato di lato L ! L*L equazioni lineari in altrettante incognite ! Matrice simmetrica sparsa implicit none integer,parameter:: L = 100 integer,parameter :: N = L*L real(8) :: A(N,N),Mat(N,N) real(8) :: b(N),x(N) integer :: i,j integer :: IPIV(N) integer :: INFO real :: start,end integer :: k, row, col, ind real(8),parameter :: H = 3 real(8) :: bndrow0(L), bndrowL1(L), bndcol0(L), bndcolL1(L) real(8) :: val,y(N),ALPHA,BETA,maxerr,minerr ! Condizioni al contorno do k=1,L val = H * (k - 1) / (L - 1) bndrow0(k) = val bndrowL1(L-k+1) = val bndcol0(k) = val bndcolL1(L-k+1) = val enddo ! Inizializzo il termine noto b(indx(1, 1)) = - bndrow0(1) - bndcol0(1) do col=2,L-1 b(indx(1,col)) = - bndrow0(col) enddo b(indx(1,L)) = -bndrow0(L) - bndcolL1(1) do row=2,L-1 b(indx(row,1)) = - bndcol0(row) do col=2,L-1 b(indx(row,col)) = 0 enddo b(indx(row,L)) = - bndcolL1(row) enddo b(indx(L,1)) = - bndrowL1(1) - bndcol0(L) do col=2,L-1 b(indx(L,col)) = - bndrowL1(col) enddo b(indx(L,L)) = - bndrowL1(L) - bndcolL1(L) ! Inizializzo la matrice row = 1 col = 1 ind = indx(row, col) A(ind, ind)= -4 A(ind, indx(row+1,col)) = 1 A(ind, indx(row,col+1)) = 1 do col=2,L-1 ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row+1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col+1)) = 1 enddo col = L ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row+1,col)) = 1 do row=2,L-1 col = 1 ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row-1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row+1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col+1)) = 1 do col=2,L-1 ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row-1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row+1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col+1)) = 1 enddo col = L ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row-1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row+1,col)) = 1 enddo row = L col = 1 ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row,col+1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row-1,col)) = 1 do col=2,L-1 ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind,indx(row,col+1)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row-1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 enddo col = L ind = indx(row,col) A(ind,ind) = -4 A(ind, indx(row-1,col)) = 1 A(ind,indx(row,col-1)) = 1 Mat = A x = b write (*,*) 'Chiamo DGESV' call CPU_TIME(start) call DGESV(N,1,Mat,N,IPIV,x,N,INFO) call CPU_TIME(end) write(*,*) INFO ! Verifica correttezza write(*,*) end-start ! Tempo passato in secondi y=b ALPHA=1 BETA=-1 call DGEMV('n',N,N,ALPHA,A,N,x,1,BETA,y,1) maxerr=maxval(y) minerr=minval(y) write (*,*) 'Errori:',minerr,maxerr ! do row=1,L ! do col=1,L ! write (*,*) row,col,x(indx(row,col)) ! enddo ! enddo contains integer function indx(r, c) ! Fornisce l'indice della riga di A corrispondente all'equazione nel punto ! r, c del dominio, che anche l'indice della colonna di A corrispondente ! al valore della funzione in quel punto. integer::r, c indx = (r - 1) * L + c end function indx end program Main[/fortran]So if I compile using the MKL library(I used the online tool to generate the options) i get this result:
[bash]MacBook-Pro:Prova Luca$ ifort Main.f90 /opt/intel/composerxe-201libmkl_intel_lp64.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/mkl/lib/libmkl_sequential.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/mkl/lib/libmkl_core.a -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 MacBook-Pro:Prova Luca$ ./a.out Chiamo DGESV 0 62.53065 Errori: -1.110223024625157E-014 1.154631945610163E-014[/bash]while if I compile using the BLAS/LAPACK routines taken from the netlib site(I put them in the BLAS.f and LAPACK.f files) I get this:
[bash]MacBook-Pro:Prova Luca$ ifort Main.f90 BLAS.f LAPACK.f -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 MacBook-Pro:Prova Luca$ ./a.out Chiamo DGESV 0 5.780609 Errori: -1.376676550535194E-014 1.554312234475219E-014[/bash]which seems to me a huge difference in execution speed(62 vs 6 seconds).
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[bash]ifort Main.f90 /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/mkl/lib/libmkl_intel_lp64.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/mkl/lib/libmkl_sequential.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/mkl/lib/libmkl_core.a -mmacosx-version-min=10.6[/bash]otherwise it returns an error.
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Comparison of MKL and netlib versions of codes is not fair and below Ill try to explain it. Shortly, despite the codes coincide by functionality and interface but they have different features.
You use DGESV (solver for system of linear algebraic equations) for dense matrices although your matrix is sparse.
Number of FP operations (num_op) of DGESV is equal 2/3*N^3 + N^2 ( N dimension of matrix) if number of right hand sidesis equal to 1.
Formula to compute Performance in Gflops:
Gflops = num_op/time(sec)/10^9;
It is easy to compute MKL Performance in Gflops for your matrix ( N= 10000, time - 62.53065 ) - 10.66 Gflops. It is nice Performance.
Netlib spends less time for solving your system because Netlib skipsmultiplication operations with ZEROs and as a result Netlib executes less FP operations. But MKL executes all multiplication operations including ZEROs.
If you add perturbation instead of ZEROs in your matrix you will able to get real Netlib Performance for dense matrices.
For sparse matrices you can use MKL PARDISO. If you need to solve Laplace Equation with boundary conditions you can use also Poisson Solver from MKLwhich is designed exactly to such problems.
Code below from your BLAS.f skips multiplication operations with ZEROs:
DO 160 L = 1,K
DO 150 I = 1,M
C(I,J) = C(I,J) + TEMP*A(I,L)
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Ah nice catch, indeed if I "perturb" the matrix the performance of the netlib versions drops significantly(while the the performance of the MKL versions remains basically the same):
[bash]MacBook-Pro:Desktop Luca$ ifort Main.f90 /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.4.184/mkl/lib/libmkl_intel_lp64.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.4.184/mkl/lib/libmkl_sequential.a /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.4.184/mkl/lib/libmkl_core.a MacBook-Pro:Desktop Luca$ ./a.out Chiamo DGESV 0 61.69716 Errori: -1.209111109845562E-011 1.323935752695071E-012 MacBook-Pro:Desktop Luca$ rm a.out MacBook-Pro:Desktop Luca$ ifort Main.f90 BLAS.f LAPACK.f MacBook-Pro:Desktop Luca$ ./a.out Chiamo DGESV 0 286.2718 Errori: -9.265057471230520E-012 7.393842482716906E-013[/bash]Cheers!
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