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MKL Version in Composer 2017


What is the version of the Intel MKL packaged with Parallel Student 2017?  How do I see the version of MKL

Has MKL gone to the version = year scheme that others are now using?

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It seems you mean Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017. This version contains MKL version 2017.

You may have a look into Release Notes and find list of all the product components 

Component Version Documentation
Intel® Advisor 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® C++ Compiler 17.0 get_started_wc.htm for Windows* OS
get_started_lc.htm for Linux* OS
Intel® Cluster Checker (For Linux* OS only) 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL) 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Fortran Compiler / Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 17.0 get_started_wf.htm for Windows* OS
get_started_lf.htm for Linux* OS
Intel® Inspector 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® MPI Benchmarks 2017 ReadMe_IMB.txt
Intel® MPI Library 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector 2017 get_started.htm
Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE 2017 get_started.htm
Intel-provided Debug Solutions See below for additional information.
Microsoft Visual Studio Shell* for Intel® Visual Fortran
(For Windows* OS; installs only on the master node)

You may also to call mkl_get_version() or mkl_get_version_string () routines from C API. 


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