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MKL installer fails to verify the Serial Number

I requested the MKL for non-commercial use on Linux. the installer does not accept neither the Serial Number Nor the licence file attached to the email. what is the solution?
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4 Replies
when i enter the given serial number, it gives me this message:
The  Intel Software  Setup Assistant  may  attempt to  connect  to  the
Intel Registration Center to validate your Serial Number. This may take
several minutes depending on your network. Please wait...

You may press Ctrl+C to cancel.
sh: Syntax error: Bad substitution
WARNING: Unable to initialize logging with /var/log/mkl91021_install.log file.
Logging will be disabled.

Would you like to install the following?
Intel Math Kernel Library 9.1.021 for Linux*
to continue, or x to exit:

could anybody help me to manage this problem?
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I'm having the same problem on Ubuntu Feisty (32-bit) while installing MKL 9.1.023. I enter the serial number, then I get the "sh: Syntax error: Bad substitution" error, then no logging. It seems to let me proceed with the installation despite the error, but then hangs in the middle of the following messages:

feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (INCREMENT line)
(license is valid, i.e., has a valid signature)
serial number: --------BCPW
license expires: perpetual license (does not expire)
license maintenance expires: 2008.0612
type of license: uncounted (unlimited number of users)
allowed platforms:
i86_r (IA-32 Intel architecture; Linux*)
i86_re (IA-32 Intel architecture; Linux*)
it64_lr (Intel Itanium architecture; Linux*)
it64_re (Intel Itanium architecture; Linux*)
*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
VENDOR_STRING= string contents:
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
================================================================== ======
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out)
feature name: MKern (feature can be authenticated, i.e., can actually be checked out) it hangs here, and if I press enter:

No valid FLEXlm license keys were found for this
product. For get FLEXlm license please contact with
Intel support team. Exiting...

Also the same thing happens whether I enter the serial number or provide the path to the license file.

I hope someone can shed some light on this as I could really use some MKL performance right now!



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Okay I solved the problem. Apparently the MKL doesn't yet "officially" support Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty). I had to edit /etc/lsb-release to "trick" the MKL installer into thinking that my system was Ubuntu 6.10 - the most recent "unoffically" supported version. After MKL installation, I restored /etc/lsb-release back to the default configuration (i.e. shows Ubuntu 7.04).

I'm surprised this hasn't yet been addressed at the installer level, as 6.10 is now a year old. Hopefully anyone running into this problem will find this information useful.
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try an

ls -l /bin/sh

and make sure it's linked to /bin/bash. I'm using ubuntu 7.04 and it defaulted to /bin/dash so I had to change it with:

rm /bin/sh
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

Afterwards, I pulled the extracted rpm out of /tmp/install_temp.bighexnumber and installed it myself with the --nodeps option.
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