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OpenMP not using all processors


I am trying to use MKL libraries and OpenMP in a MSVS C++ application on Windows7. The application shows affinity for all 24 processors (2 nodes, 6 processors, HyperThreaded). omp_get_num_procs() also shows 24 processors.  When I run the program only 1 node and 6 processors are accessed. This is confirmed  when I use "KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,none". It ouputs "OMP: Info #179: KMP_AFFINITY: 1 packages x 6 cores/pkg x 1 threads/core (6 total cores)".  I get no compiler or linker complaints.

I am in the process of creating a simple program to see if it has the same problem and hopefully find something I missed in the settings. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks, Ted 

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