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Pardiso low-rank update question

New Contributor I


I recently realized this functionality is available with pardiso - great!

I am testing it now and I have some questions. I have read the instructions in

In particular, I am using matching as I am solving a highly indefinite symmetric system: iparm[12]=1. With iparm[12]=1 the instructions for iparm say A must be filled with relevant values during phase 11. This makes me wonder whether iparm[12]=1 is compatible with the low-rank update functionality (i.e. it suggests phase 11 must be run whenever A is updated as matching is enabled). 

I also note that the improved two-level factorization algorithm must be used with the low rank update (iparm[23]=10). But it is unclear to me whether matching works together with (improved) two-level factorization.

Could you please clarify?



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