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Reversed solve after zgetrf ?



I'm trying to implement a blocked LDLT factorization but i'm facing some problems with the blocked column update.

Is there any way to solve the equation X.A=B instead of A.X=B (zgetrs) after a LU decomposition of A with zgetrf ?

Thank you in advance,


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1 Solution

Hi Pierre,

That's possible. First, after ZGETRF we have A=P*L*U (where P is row permutation storing in IPIV array).

So, X*A=B  <=>  X*P*L*U=B  <=>  ((X*P)*L)*U=B.  Let Y=X*P and  Z=Y*L.  In this case, you can solve:

(1) Z*U = B  - find Z using ZTRSM routine

(2) Y*L = Z - find Y using ZTRSM routine

(3) X*P = Y  <=> X=Y*P^-1  -  find X applying inverse permutation P.



View solution in original post

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3 Replies

Hi Pierre,

That's possible. First, after ZGETRF we have A=P*L*U (where P is row permutation storing in IPIV array).

So, X*A=B  <=>  X*P*L*U=B  <=>  ((X*P)*L)*U=B.  Let Y=X*P and  Z=Y*L.  In this case, you can solve:

(1) Z*U = B  - find Z using ZTRSM routine

(2) Y*L = Z - find Y using ZTRSM routine

(3) X*P = Y  <=> X=Y*P^-1  -  find X applying inverse permutation P.



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Hello Konstantin,

Thank you very much for your answer. I did not know i could use ztrsm on the output of zgetrf.

What i am supposed to do to apply the inverse permutation ? Is there a routine for that or what should I do ?

Thank you,


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Honored Contributor III

The simplest solution, if you can rearrange your work so that you factorize AT instead of A, is to note that X A = B is the same as ATXT = BT. The last equation can be solved by a single call to ZGESV.

If, however, you wish to use the steps of #2, ...:

To undo the permutations, you can do the corresponding row interchanges after obtaining Y in order to obtain X, or you can form and use the inverse of the permutation vector when printing the solution. Here is an example (needs more testing for correctness!). For input data, you can use the file sgetrsx.d in the MKL examples/lapack/data directory.

! Example program to illustrate solving X.A = B
!    1. Call ?GETRF to factorize A = P L U
!    2. Call ?TRSM  to solve Z U = B
!    3. Call ?TRSM  to solve Y L = Z
!    4. Apply inverse of P to retrieve X = Y inv(P)
! Ref.:
    program strsmx
       implicit none
       integer nin, nout
       parameter (nin=5, nout=6)
       integer nmax, lda, nrhmax, ldb
       parameter (nmax=8, lda=nmax, nrhmax=nmax, ldb=nrhmax)
!     .. Local Variables ..
       integer i, ifail, info, j, k, n, nrhs
       real a(lda, nmax), b(nrhmax, nmax), alpha
       integer ipiv(nmax), iipiv(nmax)
!     .. Executable Statements ..
       write (nout, *) 'STRSM Example Program Results'
!     Skip heading in data file
       read (nin, *)
       read (nin, *) n, nrhs
       if (n<=nmax .and. nrhs<=nrhmax) then
!        Read A and B from data file
          read (nin, *)((a(i,j),j=1,n), i=1, n)
          read (nin, *)((b(j,i),j=1,nrhs), i=1, n)
!        Factorize A
          call sgetrf(n, n, a, lda, ipiv, info)
          write (nout, *)
          if (info/=0) then
             write (nout, *) 'The matrix A is singular'
          end if
!           Compute solution
          alpha = 1.0
          call strsm('R', 'U', 'N', 'N', n, n, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb)
          call strsm('R', 'L', 'N', 'U', n, n, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb)
!        Form inverse of pivot array
          iipiv(1:n) = (/ (i,i=1,n) /)
          do i = n, 1, -1
             j = ipiv(i)
             if (j/=i) then
                k = iipiv(i)
                iipiv(i) = iipiv(j)
                iipiv(j) = k
             end if
          end do
!           Print solution
          do i = 1, n
             write (*, '(10(2x,ES12.3))')(b(j,iipiv(i)), j=1, nrhs)
          end do
       end if
    end program strsmx


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