Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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I am a computer science student and I am intested to see the performance speed up and scalability of Intel MKL for our algorithm. We are using Intels woodcrest processor with corresponding bensley platform, thus having 4 cores available.

The algorithm we are looking at is CG , it needs to solve Ax = b , for 500 b's . An obvious way to parallelize over multiple cores is letting each core solve one Ax=b. I've seen that a CG framework is provided by MKL and that we just need to fill in the operations.

Probably the most important operation in CG is the sparse matrix vector multiplication. I've read in the Intel MKL documentation that sparse blas lvl2 also uses OpenMP for threading and I am thus wondering how this is implemented. Does this function spread the matrix over different cores and then mtultiply it rowwise? I know it is possible to thread in the way I want with OpenMP but I am interested to know how Intel did this.

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