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Usage of MKL Scalapack


Hi all,

I would like to use PZGESVD of SCALAPACK to solve my problem distributedly. Before using PZGESVD, the matrix should be distributed to all the processes involved. Therefore, I want to test the usage of PDGEMR2D in advance.

However, I have some problem in using PDGEMR2D. It generated an error from which I cannot figure the cause.

The error is:

??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
??MR2D:Bad submatrix:i=-1,j=-1,m=50,n=10,M=50,N=10
Assertion failed in c:\bt\479\private\mpich2\src\pm\smpd\smpd_handle_command.cpp(640): proc != 0
unable to read the cmd header on the left child context, Other MPI error, error stack:
ReadFailed(1298): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (errno 10054).

Aborting: mpiexec on TEMFPC1005 failed to communicate with smpd on TEMFPC1005
Other MPI error, error stack:
ReadFailed(1298): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (errno 10054)



The Code is:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <complex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
//#define MKL_Complex8 std::complex<float>
//#define MKL_Complex16 std::complex<double>
#include <mkl_blacs.h>
#include <mkl_scalapack.h>
#include <mkl_pblas.h>
#include <mkl.h>
#include "petsc.h"

#define MAX(a,b)((a)<(b)?(b):(a))
#define MIN(a,b)((a)>(b)?(b):(a))

using namespace std;
static char help[] = "Test SCALAPACK";
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    PetscErrorCode            ierr;
    const MKL_INT            intmkl_negone = -1, intmkl_zero = 0;
    MKL_INT                    intmkl_rank, intmkl_size, intmkl_info, intmkl_ctxt, intmkl_nProcRows, intmkl_nProcCols, intmkl_myRow, intmkl_myCol;
    MKL_INT                    intmkl_MA, intmkl_NA, intmkl_MBA, intmkl_NBA, intmkl_lldA, intmkl_nRowProc, intmkl_nColProc;
    MKL_INT                    intmkl_MB, intmkl_NB, intmkl_MBB, intmkl_NBB, intmkl_lldB;
    MKL_INT                    descA[9], descB[9];
    PetscInt                int_size, int_rank, int_numLocalRowMatA, int_numGlobalRowMatA, int_numGlobalColMatA;
    Mat                        mat_A;
    double                    *doubleAr_A, *doubleAr_B;
    /* MPI initialization */
    ierr = PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char*)0, help);                                                                                            CHKERRQ(ierr);
    MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &int_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &int_rank);

    /* Generate a random matrix */
    int_numLocalRowMatA = 5;
    int_numGlobalRowMatA = int_numLocalRowMatA*int_size;
    int_numGlobalColMatA = 10;

    /* initialize blacs */
    BLACS_PINFO(&intmkl_rank, &intmkl_size);
    intmkl_nProcRows = intmkl_size;                
    intmkl_nProcCols = 1;
    BLACS_GET(&intmkl_negone, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_ctxt);
    BLACS_GRIDINIT(&intmkl_ctxt, "C", &intmkl_nProcRows, &intmkl_nProcCols);
    BLACS_GRIDINFO(&intmkl_ctxt, &intmkl_nProcRows, &intmkl_nProcCols, &intmkl_myRow, &intmkl_myCol);

    /* compute precise length of local pieces and allocate array on each process for parts of distributed matrices */
    intmkl_MA = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalRowMatA;
    intmkl_NA = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalColMatA;
    intmkl_MBA = (MKL_INT)int_numLocalRowMatA;
    intmkl_NBA = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalColMatA;
    intmkl_nRowProc = NUMROC(&intmkl_MA, &intmkl_MBA, &intmkl_myRow, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_nProcRows);
    intmkl_nColProc = NUMROC(&intmkl_NA, &intmkl_NBA, &intmkl_myCol, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_nProcCols);
    intmkl_lldA = MAX(1, intmkl_nRowProc);
    DESCINIT(descA, &intmkl_MA, &intmkl_NA, &intmkl_MBA, &intmkl_NBA, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_ctxt, &intmkl_lldA, &intmkl_info);
    std::cout << "MA = " << intmkl_MA << "; NA = " << intmkl_NA << "; intmkl_nRowProc = " << intmkl_nRowProc << "; intmkl_nColProc = " << intmkl_nColProc << "; lldA = " << intmkl_lldA << std::endl;
    doubleAr_A = (double*)mkl_calloc(intmkl_nRowProc*intmkl_nColProc, sizeof(double), 64);
    for (int int_cnt1 = 0; int_cnt1 < intmkl_nRowProc*intmkl_nColProc; int_cnt1++)  doubleAr_A[int_cnt1] = 1.0;

    /* compute precise length of local pieces and allocate array on each process for parts of distributed matrices */
    intmkl_MB = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalRowMatA;
    intmkl_NB = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalColMatA;
    intmkl_MBB = (MKL_INT)int_numLocalRowMatA;
    intmkl_NBB = (MKL_INT)int_numGlobalColMatA;
    intmkl_nRowProc = NUMROC(&intmkl_MB, &intmkl_MBB, &intmkl_myRow, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_nProcRows);
    intmkl_nColProc = NUMROC(&intmkl_NB, &intmkl_NBB, &intmkl_myCol, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_nProcCols);
    intmkl_lldB = MAX(1, intmkl_nRowProc);
    DESCINIT(descB, &intmkl_MB, &intmkl_NB, &intmkl_MBB, &intmkl_NBB, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_ctxt, &intmkl_lldB, &intmkl_info);
    std::cout << "MB = " << intmkl_MB << "; NB = " << intmkl_NB << "; intmkl_nRowProc = " << intmkl_nRowProc << "; intmkl_nColProc = " << intmkl_nColProc << "; lldB = " << intmkl_lldB << std::endl;
    doubleAr_B = (double*)mkl_calloc(intmkl_nRowProc*intmkl_nColProc, sizeof(double), 64);

    /* copy value from matrix A to matrix B */
    PDGEMR2D(&intmkl_MA, &intmkl_NA, doubleAr_A, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_zero, descA, doubleAr_B, &intmkl_zero, &intmkl_zero, descB, &intmkl_ctxt);

    /* destroy variables */
    /* finalize blacs */
    /* finalize petsc*/



I would appreciate if you can have any advice or comment on solving this problem.

Thank a lot,



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2 Replies

I have solved the problem. It is due to the wrong value of ia, ja, ib and jb in PDGEMR2D.


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thanks for letting us know..

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