Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
Ask questions and share information with other developers who use Intel® Math Kernel Library.

Welcome to the Intel MKL Forum

The Mission of the Intel Math Kernel Library Forum is to provide users and interested developers an open, non-judgmental place to discuss topics or issues relating to the Intel Math Kernel Library product. Because of the breadth of the product-BLAS, LAPACK, DFTs, ScaLAPACK, Vector Math Library, Vector Statistical Library, etc.-we anticipate that the forum will draw a wide and diverse audience. We certainly hope so.

While this is primarily a discussion forum, if a question is posted that appears to indicate a defect in the software or documentation, we will work with you to use our Intel Premier support site, which is in place to register and respond to bugs or other support issues you may have.

Have you tried our Self Help site?

For information on registering your software for Premier Support, go to:

You may choose only to read the postings, but we encourage you to contribute, ask questions, and make suggestions; a large contributing community will make this a more lively and useful forum for all.

Welcome to the Intel Math Kernel Library Forum!

The Forum will be moderated by Intel on a regular basis to ensure that a healthy dialogue is occurring with our community. Negative postings, inaccurate information, rumors, or other inappropriate content is discouraged.

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