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question about sparse routines matrix formats support

New Contributor I


for example with the sparse-dense matrix-matrix multiplication routine:

There is the table that lists which formats are supported in case of zero/one based indexing and and for row/column major layout of dense matrices.

I don't understand why e.g. for column-major layout and zero-based indexing, CSC sparse matrix format is not supported.

Calling the function with matrix A in CSR format and SPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE parameter is equivalent to calling the function with matrix A in CSC format and SPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE parameter. But the latter is not supported. Why? Why do I have to do these workarounds myself, when you could easily implement it?

So, if you support the operation parameter, which effectively swaps between the matrix being CSR or CSC, why don't you also fully support both CSR and CSC formats?




By the way this is not an issue only with MKL sparse, I see that most other libraries don't have this implemented, there must be a good reason for it, what is it?

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