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How to clone OS (ghost) remotely through network by using Intel ME feature


Hi Experts,

During troublshooting for computer, some time i need to re-program hard disks(clone) since Operating System is dead. I would to do this remotely thru network. It's mean, i have PC which is ME enabled, this PC is power pluged and BIOS is working. I would to do clone (ghost) a new operating system for this PC remotely from my laptop. The Operating System image file (*.GHO) is located in my laptop (or somewhere in the network which the PC connected to) and i using a cloning software such as Norton Ghost.

My concern is: whether our ME feature allows me to do that? and how can i do that if possible?

Please help to give advice. Thank you

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4 Replies

You can make use of IDE redirection (IDER) to remotely boot the system with an ISO that has ghost loaded up on it. My suggestion would be to configure the boot ISO so that it automatically launches ghost and either pulls down an image from a network share, or, starts up a session multicast session and connects to a GhostCast server so that you can easily monitor the process remotely.


Thanks a lot, Dan :-). I need your help for more details.

could you share on which software we can use for IDE redirection to connect to client? and how if the management PC only have SATA CD-ROM istead of IDE CD-ROM? can IDE redirection still working?

Other is which software can i use to create boot ISO which can configure to be able to automatically launch ghost?

also, how can we identify the client PC to be imaged? since there are no IP address yet as it haven't been booted up?

Need your help to clarify on that. Thank you :-)

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Hi Dan,

please help. Thank you,

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There are a number of third party software companies such as Microsoft and Symantec that support AMT functionality, including IDE redirection. If you are looking to test the concept out on just a few computers I recommend you try out the Manageability DTK. It includes everything you need to see how AMT functionality works.

From a technical standpoint, IDE redirection adds a virtual CD-ROM drive to your system at the hardware level independent of any other optical drives you have in your system.

There are various utilities around that can help you make up a boot ISO that can include Ghost on it. A quick google search on how to make Windows live CD's can help you with the specific details.

Your last question, about identifying the PC, is where AMT really shines. In short, the ME, running AMT, will use your computer's network interface to all you to manage the system independent of the OS. You configure AMT with the same hostname as your operating system. AMT will then request an IP address and be accessible on the network, with the same hostname, even when the OS is not running. This allows you to remotely power up the computer and initiate an IDE redirection session. I recommend you set up your systems in basic mode (previously known as SMB mode) for your first rounds of testing. You can find guides on how to configure various platforms for basic mode in the /community/openportit/vproexpert/smbtalk?view=documents SMB Talk sectionof the vPro Expert Center.

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