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Is it possible to use a multicam configuration in RealSense Viewer with 6 D415 cameras? Also, is it possible to use a multicam configuration in RealSense Viewer using one D415 and one D435? Why does not work the Sync option in Viewer?



I would like to build a multicam system with 6 D415 cameras, and I would like to join, combine the images from these 6 cameras in one image, to get a larger field of view. I read the white paper about multicam configuration and I saw the example-demo at the and of the paper in ROS (I think). How can I do this with RealSense Viewer in Windows? Is it possible? First, I want to try it with 2 cameras, one D415 and one D435 (I have them at home), then I will build a system with 6 cameras. Is it possible to test this functionality with these 2 cameras? Also, I have one USB3 port, the others are USB2, is this a problem when I want to use a multicam mode?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

Dorodnic the RealSense SDK Manager gives advice here about the kind of alignment you want to do:

View solution in original post

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11 Replies
Honored Contributor III

You should be able to add all 6 cameras in RealSense Viewer. Then go to the Inter Cam Sync option. Set one cam to '1' in this option to set it as the Master camera, and give the other five cameras the '2' value in this setting to set them as Slave cameras.​

The process is demonstrated with 2 cameras in this audioless YouTube video:

​I believe it is possible to mix camera types in a sync but the official advice is not to do so because of the hardware differences between D415 and D435. Use all D415 or all D435.

My recollection about the Sync icon was that it was intended for doing software sync.


Edit: an additional answer from the Intel team is provided on the GitHub version of your post.

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multicam_test.pngHello Marty,

Thank you for your help, I have set the two cameras. You can see the screenshot.


But, I need to stitch, put together images from two cameras now for testing, later 6 cameras. Depth and RGB streams are important to me for image processing. I need a solution like on this screenshot. Naturally, I will need the XYZ coordinates too. Can I do this in the RealSense Viewer? Also, the software sync. is used for synchronize what? RGB and depth streams of the same scene?  In this demo the cameras were set geometrically appropriate in space to get the images well?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

four camera_rgb_depth.png

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Honored Contributor III

I believe this demo app (shown in the multiple camera white paper) was not released to the public and was just created as an illustration for the white paper. Although you may not be able to do an alignment like this in the 2D mode of the RealSense Viewer, you can align color and depth in the 3D point-cloud view of the Viewer. The discussion in the link below describe show to do this.


I have not personally tested this procedure with hardware sync though, so I cannot predict what the resultant point cloud will look like.


A January 2019 quote from Dorodnic the RealSense SDK Manager about the software sync button says that the "Software Sync grayed out button (or the small lock button in the 3D viewer) controls if librealsense will try to bundle frames at software level. When hardware sync is enabled, it is not recommended, since every camera has different clock".


In October 2018, the software sync button was non-functional though, and I don't know if it has been made functional since then.

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Hi Marty,

Thank you for the answer.

Hence, the demo is not available for testing (multi-cam demo)? The GUI of that demo is in ROS (or in something else)? I see the controls, options for viewing, transform, the active cameras, depth preset,the joined RGB and Depth images, etc.

Can I manage everything like on this screenshot in the Win10 RealSense Viewer, in the GUI? If not, where can I do this, is there a GUI for this? My goal is to get the images with some RealSense software (for example with Viewer, because I am a Win10 user, this is the easiest way for me) from camera, or from multiple cameras and process them in Matlab.

I am using SDK2.19.1. I saw there is a new release. Is there anything new in latest release about this?

I think the stitching was done with feature based panorama stitching like in Matlab. Is it? Do you know something about this?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

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Honored Contributor III

Looking at the screenshot above, most of the controls (depth preset, gain & exposure, laser power, autoexposure on-off, etc) are also available in the side-options panel of the RealSense Viewer.


Like the bottom of this image, you can also add multiple cameras to the same Viewer window and change each of their settings individually.

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Hi Marty,

Yes, most of the controls are available in the Viewer, but what about rgb and depth images? Can I display the images like in the screenshot in the Viewer? Or, I need something else?

The GUI from the screenshot is in ROS, or something else?


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Honored Contributor III

You can align RGB and depth in the Viewer's 3D point cloud mode. I am not aware of a method for doing so in the Viewer's 2D mode though to obtain merged 2D RGB / depth images like the ones shown.


RGB / depth alignment can be done in the SDK outside of the Viewer. Below is a link to the SDK's 'Align' example program.


I am not certain what tool the developer used to construct the demo. The only other place I have seen that style of GUI is in images on the LabVIEW wrapper page.

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I know the option to align RGB and depth stream in 3D mode. It is always on.

But, I am wondering, how can I join the four streams from four cameras, like in the screenshot? Hence, four rgb and four depth streams in one image, like in that LabVIEW screenshot? Is it possible, that the option for stitching rgb and depth images is in the LabVIEW Viewer, software?

I checked the website about the LabVIEW, but I can't see the images of rgb, depth and pointcloud data? Is there a PDF about this, something like a tutorial?


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Honored Contributor III

Dorodnic the RealSense SDK Manager gives advice here about the kind of alignment you want to do:

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I saw it, but the user reported that did not work the suggested solution.

The solution from the screenshot is not available somewhere, in LabVIEW for example? It looks very good from the screenshot.




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Honored Contributor III

I don't think the demo in the white paper that the image represents was ever released to the public.

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