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Marty G's latest RealSense game tech in 'My Father's Face'

Honored Contributor III

Hi everyone,

As my RealSense-enabled game project 'My Father's Face' gets nearer to release, I thought it would be an excellent time to release a new Tech Trailer video of the latest state of the control tech that I have developed. Hopefully it will act as an inspiration to other developers for what can be achieved with RealSense when innovation and new thinking is combined with knowledge of what the camera can really do when pushed hard. 'My Father's Face' Tech Trailer 6 – New Years 2016 Tech Update - YouTube

Previous Tech Trailers in the series, demonstrating other elements of my game tech, can be viewed on my YouTube channel. sambiglyon - YouTube

1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

I don't usually bump my own posts back to the top of the forum but thought I should make an exception in this one case, since the above project video was in danger of being missed by folk due to the New Years weekend it was posted on.
