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3335 Discussions

No Sync class in RealsenseSDK(2.0


Currently I'm subscribing to depth/ color/intrinsics ROS topics in Unity and attempting to use Intel's realsense Software Device class to simulate having the the camera connected via cord to the system. I'm using depth and color Image topics instead of subscribing to realsense's point cloud topic because the frequency for that ends up at around 1 Hz. 

The issue I'm running into currently is that both examples realsense has (and anyone else) of using their software device class relies on a Sync or Syncer class to replace the pipeline data structure (waitForFrames, PollForFrames, etc functionality). Intel hasn't included the Sync class in their unity wrapper, but has in their C# wrapper. The sensors in the software device need synchronized queues in their start methods

I was wondering if anyone knows or has found another way (besides creating their own custom shader) to go from ROS color/depth Images to a Frameset the software device can poll.  At the moment my plan is to implement my own Syncer class that operates as a queue manager, but any advice would be appreciated. 

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