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SR300 does not work in Ubunut 16.04, RealSense SKD 2.0 (RealSens Viewer) in Depth Camera and RGB Camera Simultaneous Mode.


Hi everyone,

I have not been able to use Depth Camera since Windows 10 pro 1703.

I hoped to be solved in 1709 but failed.

So I tested in the Ubuntu 16.04 environment.

I installed RealSens SDK 2.0 and got the following interesting test results.

SR300 to PC USBRGB Camera Only Depth Camera Only RGB+Depth  1.0 meter USB 3.0 cableoknot oknot ok 0.5 meter USB 3.0 cableokoknot ok1 meter cable and powed hubokoknot ok0.5 meter cable and powed hubokokok(But Unstable)

(The 1.0 meter cable above is genuine SR300, and 0.5 meter is genuine Euclid. The PC is NUC7i7 with 16GB and ORICO A3H4 USB 3.0 HUB)

In other words, the power supply is presumed to be a major factor in malfunction.

Reduces power consumption even when distance detection range is reduced, and requests stable SR300 firmware revision. (Laser power adjustment etc... )

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Thanks for your great information!

Yes, it has long been established that power can be a factor in the stability of a camera connection. RealSense USB cameras are very sensitive to the state of the USB port.

There have been cases in the past where a camera worked fine in RGB mode but the green light went off when entering depth mode. Depth scans require a higher power draw by the laser, and if a USB port on a particular PC is not reliably supplying power then the camera can disconnect. This is why using a mains-powered hub with the camera to provide strong, solid power supply often fixes detection problems (though not in every case).

The camera can usually display multiple stream types (such as in the 4-panel cpp-capture Librealsense sample program). So if your camera has trouble showing RGB and depth at the same time even with a powered hub, it suggests that something else is going on other than a power issue.

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To Intel,

In my SR300, it was confirmed that the USB connection stability was affected only by the power problem.

There was no problem before firmware change !!! (Currently:

I think the only solution is to reduce the power consumption of the SR300 to secure margins.

Intel must provide a firmware that lowers the laser power to improve power consumption even when the effective distance is reduced.

This is a fatal mistake that does not fit Intel brand !!!

I spent a lot of time and effort on this problem. How long should I wait?

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Honored Contributor III

The SR300 is officially classed by Intel as being at its 'end of life' and so as far as I know, it is unlikely to receive further driver updates. Lessons learned from the SR300 will very likely have been incorporated into the design of the new D415 and D435 camera models. I really do understand that this will be of no comfort to SR300 users who are having problems with the camera on their particular PC.

One of the reasons the SR300 issues have not been able to be corrected with a single solution that works for everyone is because connection / detection problems do not have one single cause, and a camera may work fine on one PC and not on another PC.

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To Intel,

There was no problem with initial firmware !!! (Currently:

Until Windows 10 Pro 1603, both Windows hello and Depth Camera had no problem.

(If I found a problem early on, I would have returned it.)

Avoiding this problem does not match the Intel brand.

Is the SR300 a product that is currently on sale and should not be supported until the end of its life?

I request Intel's official answer.

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Hello deepeye,



We are sorry to hear you are having problems with your Intel RealSense SR300 camera. The SR300 camera is indeed very sensitive to power delivery from USB 3 ports. The laser projector power is automatically regulated based on the infrared mode. The three modes that are user settable are Off, Auto, On.



Have you tried connecting your camera to other PCs to see if you still have the same problems? Often, the SR300 will work on one PC but not on another. It highly depends on how the USB3 ports are implemented.



One point of clarification: The SR300 camera module is not discontinued. The SR300 dev kit is no longer being built so when current supply runs out that will be it. The SR300 modules continue to be produced.



Best regards,


Jesus G.


Intel Customer Support
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To Intel,

As mentioned before, I am using the NUC 7i7 released by Intel in 2017. Should I change the PC again to use the SR300?

I had the same problem in NUC 6i7, which I gave to my son.

As far as I know, there was no problem at the beginning of the purchase in September 2016, but there was a problem after Windows 10 1703, several firmware updates, and the same USB disconnect problem.

(I've been waiting for Windows10 1709 to be improved.)

If the product is a USB standard product, sufficient margin should be ensured so that any PC with a CPU after 6th generation equipped with a standard USB will not cause a problem.

I've been a longtime fan of Intel, but this is the first time I've been disappointed !!!

I have wasted a lot of resources due to this problem (see test report).

Which feedback should be added to solve?

How long do I have to wait?

0 Kudos

Hello Deepeye,



We are sorry to hear you have had so many problems with your SR300 camera. If it is not working for you and would like a replacement or refund, you can sign in to and start the RMA process. You can also email to return the camera and get a refund or replacement. If you purchased the camera through an Intel distributor, please contact them directly.



Best regards,


Jesus G.


Intel Customer Support
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