Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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3073 Discussions

Different size input frames for mfxExtVPPComposite possible?



I am testing the composite feature in VPP.

I configure the VPP to have 2 input streams, first one is 0, 0, 1920, 1080 and second is 0, 0, 1280,720 (x, y, w, h), params.vpp.In with 1290x1080 and params.vpp.Out with 1920x1080 also.

When i input 2 frames with size 1920x1080 it works perfectly and i get the second frame as an picture-in-picture on the first.

However when I try to input a 1280x720 as the second frame setting the mfxFrameInfo the output frame gets corrupted.

Is it possible at all to use different input sizes and if so, how should it be done?

Best Regards



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2 Replies

Solved, sort of.

Had not read the manual enough it seems,  a little RTFM gave me a solution.

Got it to work by using same size input frames, copy the smaller frames into the input frames and adjusting the CropWH.

I will call this a workaround until someone with greater wisdom tells me that this is in fact the right way to do it.

Best Regards



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Hi elsparro,

A similar question has been asked before in the forum as well
Your work around seems to be a decent way i.e. by changing the CropW and CropH, which is also mentioned as solution in the forum as well.
However, if you put frames of same resolution you can definitely integrate more vpp resize pipeline to resize the frame according to your needs before passing the frame to other function. 

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