Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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3077 Discussions

DirectShow decoder filter modifications for VPP support



I am trying to add VPP support to DirectShow filter sample code for decoder. I am using transcode application and Encoder DirectShow filter as reference for this. I have done the following,

  1. The Decode and VPP is created during filter creation.

  2. Same session is used for both decoder and VPP.

  3. I have provided one interface to filter through which the application can set VPP parameters.

  4. The same frame allocator will be used for allocating frame surfaces for both decoder as well as VPP.

  5. Decoder output surface is used as input for VPP. VPP output surface is delivered to downstream filter.

With these modifications, I am able to get results when no HW acceleration is used. But when HW acceleration is used, I dont see any effect on output after the VPP parameter change. But there is no error returned by any of the functions.
I am using Media SDK 2.0. The version number used is Major - 1, Minor - 0.
Is anything specific has to be done for HW acceleration? Also is my approach correct?


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