Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Directshow H.264 encoder sample



      The Intel sample_dshow_plugins sample for the h264_enc_filter uses a plugin to convert from RGB4 to NV12, so the encoder can do the encoding.  This plugin uses a software converter using the CPU to do  the RGB to NV12 conversion.  Since VPP is capable of doing the conversion in hardware,  (presumably much faster then the CPU),  is there some reason for doing this in software rather than in VPP?? 



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1 Reply

Hi Steven - Good question! The focus of our samples when they were developed were more on showcasing the said feature/algorithm - encode, decode etc., and were intended to be more of starting points for developers rather than full-blown applications. Also, if you look at our format conversion support table, we have very specific formats that are supported. To avoid focusing on that nitty-gritty we went ahead with  the C++ implementation.

I would highly encourage and recommend you to use VPP filters instead, and once you do, feel free to share the code with us. We will be happy to add it to our code examples.

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