Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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3075 Discussions

Event error while decoding H264 using Intel Media SDK MF Plugin



I have some issues using the intel MF plugin decoder.

I successfully encode a stream with the encoder and decode it with the Microsoft H264 decoder.

Now i want to use the intel decoder for better performance (latency issues) and quality.

The problem is after a succession ofMETransformNeedInputand METransformHaveOutput events (that i handle and see that the result is correct) i get 3 or 4 METransformHaveOutput events (that i handle) and after that the Intel MFT does not send anymore events.

After that sequence i was waiting to have a METransformNeedInput events from the MFT but there is no more events in the IMFMediaEventGenerator.

Consequently i got the following HRESULT : MF_E_NO_EVENTS_AVAILABLE.

If someone experiment the intel Media SDK MF plugin and can help me understand what is going on, i would be very grateful!

Thank you in advance
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2 Replies

There could be many reasons you may be seeing an issue, including the format of the surface being used, as the Microsoft MFTransformand the Intel MFT you are seeing trouble with have different capabilities. Are there any error messages not being handled.The sync model used is different for hardware acceleration and Intel's MFTs generally accept NV12 while Microsoft's (software) MFT accepts other surface types.

You can find some threads of others that have had issues using the Intel sample MFT .

For example:

In the Media SDK 2012 installation directory, see the samples\sample_mfoundation_plugins project and the samples\sample_studio\ app and readme-mediaframework-app.pdf document.

Are you seeing when you use the unmodified sample code?

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I defined the surface as NV12, so it cannot be something like that.
I am able to decode some frames and events are no more thrown by the MFT after 3 or 4 decoded frame, it is wierd.
I will take a look to the sample_studio code and give you some feedback about this.

Thank you
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