Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

How to enable QSV on HD3000

I have a computer which has aCore i3-2105. And I have the latest driver installed. But the Quick Sync Video feather is still not available. When encoding the video using H264, the CPU consumption is really high.

I runed the analysis tool and get a log. Following is the info about my system. Any solution?Does the Windows Embedded Standard matter? Thanks in advance.

Intel Media SDK System Analyzer (32 bit)

The following versions of Media SDK API are supported by platform/driver:

Version Target Supported Dec Enc
1.0 HW No
1.0 SW Yes X X
1.1 HW No
1.1 SW Yes X X
1.3 HW No
1.3 SW Yes X X
1.3AUTO SW (max API version of installed SDK)

Graphics Devices:
Name Version State
Intel HD Graphics Family Active

System info:
CPU: Intel Core i3-2105 CPU @ 3.10GHz
OS: Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard
Arch: 32-bit

Installed Media SDK packages (be patient...processing takes some time):
Intel Media SDK 2012 (x86)

Installed Media SDK DirectShow filters:
Intel?Media SDK MP3 Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mpa_dec_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK JPEG Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\jpeg_dec_filter.dll

Intel?Media SDK MPEG-2 Splitter :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mp2_spl_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK H.264 Encoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\h264_enc_filter.dll

Intel?Media SDK MVC Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\mvc_dec_filter.dll
Intel?Media SDK AAC Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_aac_dec_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK MPEG-2 Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\mpeg2_dec_filter.dll
Intel?Media SDK MP4 Splitter :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mp4_spl_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK MPEG-2 Muxer :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mp2_mux_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK MP4 Muxer :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mp4_mux_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK H.264 Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\h264_dec_filter.dll

Intel?Media SDK MP3 Encoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_mpa_enc_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK AAC Encoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\imc_aac_enc_ds.dll
Intel?Media SDK MPEG-2 Encoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\mpeg2_enc_filter.dll
Intel?Media SDK VC-1 Decoder :
C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Media SDK 2012\\samples\\_bin\\win32\\vc1_dec_filter.dll

- HW target does not work: If you expect it should, then make sure to install
latest Intel gfx driver, and that Intel gfx is selected as primary driver
- If Intel driver is associated with secondary adapter, make sure to
initialize DirectX device used with Media SDK with corresponding adapter

Analysis complete... [press ENTER]

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6 Replies
I noticed you are using Windows Embedded OS. This is not a supported OS.

On supported operating systems (Windows 7) Hardware Acceleration is made available using OS components that part of standard desktop PC configurations. It is common for Embedded OS to not include OS components for default platform configuration.

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Thanks for the reply.
I have installed a full version of win 7 and it works. But if I have to install the Embedded OS, is it possible to keep some components during the installation in order to enable QSV What is the missing parts in Embedded OS?
0 Kudos
I noticed you are using Windows Embedded OS. This is not a supported OS.

On supported operating systems (Windows 7) Hardware Acceleration is made available using OS components that part of standard desktop PC configurations. It is common for Embedded OS to not include OS components for default platform configuration.


After a series of test, I find out that the Hardware Acceleration could be enable with the third party codecs on the Embedded OS. Since the CPU consumption really comes down a lot when I am using the DXVA decoder to play a video. So why not msdk? Does it need some special system components or it just checks the system version and decides not to enable HA on those unverified OS?
0 Kudos

Sorry that this OS is unsupported. We can add your request for support to our list of desirable features in the future. The Media SDK 2012 package only contains a software implementation, and support for hardware platform acceleration is provided with OS-specific platform drivers.

0 Kudos
Thanks! It will be very helpful. But we are eager to have this exciting feature been available on the Win Embedded 7OS.

Is your team able to offer some help? Like a special evaluation only edition of driver that can be installed on Windows Embedded 7OSall the required components included.

So far, I can successfully install the latest version( of gfx driver on my Core i3-2105 computer without any error. Everything looks the same as on a standard version ofwin 7, but the HA feature. Is there any possibility to have HA enable on a proper configured Windows Embedded 7?
0 Kudos

As Tony stated earlier we do not support that OS which means the SDK or driver has not been validated for any SDK codec workloads. We will certainly raise your request with product management but I cannot give you any guarantees or specific workarounds. There may be ways of hacking this but we do not want to promote that since we cannot reliably provide support or guarantee correctness for such a solution.

Sorry to deliver bad news, hopefully you can find an alternate path.

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