Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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For more information, see the VPL website.

Intel H.264 hardware encoder vs. DirectDraw


Hi all,

We developing a video conferencing application bases on Intel 3rd generation platform. The application decodes H.264 video received in RTP session by software (not Intel decoder), and then draw the decoded picture on screen using DirectDraw technique while encoding H.264 using Intel H.264 hardware encoder. The picture, that is pushed into encoder, is captured using DirectShow to capture from Video Capture card.

My question here is does DirectDraw drawing affects to H.264 hardware encoder or vice verse. Has any attention in using coplex all these technique?


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1 Reply


I do not expect any, or very limited impact on Intel HW encoders while using rendering frameworks such as DirectDraw. That said, due to the legacy nature of DirectDraw this is a scenario is not validated or actively tested.

The H.264 HW encoder use specific fixed function HW for much of the encode processing, but part of the processing is also executed on the generic EUs of the Intel Processor graphics unit. The EUs are shared with other graphics resources used by the OS and graphics framework.


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