Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

MFXDecodePlugin Problem



I want to develop a user module with the SDK which is a dll developed by other manufactor.

But I found that the SDK supply the decode function is asynchronous like the intel media sdk.

For example the SDK use like this :

SetDecodeCallback(DecodeOutputCallback);//DecodeOutputCallback is a callback function point fot decoded data callback


void DecodeOutputCallback(char * pDecodedData,int nDataLen)



I found that the DecodeInputData the thread id is different from the DecodeOutputCallback thread id.

So,how can I use the MFXDecodePlugin to develop the user decode module?

I don't know how to implement the "DeocdeFrameSubmit" and "Execute" in the MFXDecodePlugin.

Thank you all



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