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QuickSync functionality broken with driver automatically deployed by microsoft (


I read this: and I have a similar but not the same bug:

The "old" WHQL driver which was automatically deployed by windows update was "".
Everything is working fine with this driver.
Now a new driver is automatically deployed by windows update:
When we use the old driver (manually restored) our application works fine, the "sample_encode" sample works fine and the application "handbrake" can use Quicksync HW for encoding videos.
When using the new driver: Our application crashes, the "sample_encode" crashes too and "handbrake" uses a software fallback for encoding videos with QuickSync.
I compiled "sample_encode" with latest "Media SDK 2018 R2" installation. Everything("dispatcher binary") is used directly from the installation folder.

The target compute has "i5-6500" cpu and a Q170 Express chipset. There is one additional grafic adapter in system. ("Matrox Orion HD"). The intel grafics adapter is the "primary adapter" set by bios. The os is Windows 10/64 LTSC 1607.

The auto deployment of the driver is a big issue. How can we fix / workaround it in our software (or sample_encode) ?



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23 Replies

Hi Mario,

For the deployment process, there seems to be 3 options:

  1. Standard Windows update
  2. Intel DSA
  3. Manually download from download center.

I will clarify it.

For Windows 10 1607 LTSC support, I will check dev team.

By the way, did you have a chance to check this driver if you have the Windows 10 version this driver supports?


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Hi Mario,

For your last question, I have checked with graphic driver team. So here is the process,

As a general Windows user, he should:

  1. Check the vendor of their PC graphic device for the latest driver.
  2. Check Intel graphic driver either via DSA automatically or download center manually.
  3. Check Window update.

In this case, you seems have a product depends on particular Intel graphic driver, so you might use DSA to get it automatically.


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Hi Mark,

I have similiar issue with the last MS update. With the update was driver version installed. With this version it is not possible to use Halcon 11 scripts. If the halcon11 scripts are active, our S/W is crashing. In MS event viewer shows the faulting module ig9icd64.dll. If I install an older version(e.g. win64_15.65.5.4982.exe) then it works fine. The bugfix in the version or the later ...7158 are not possible to use with my hardware because this driver version are dch driver. My hardware is i7-6700 with HD graphics 530(Skylake) with OS WIN10 x64 LTSB 1607. At starting installing the dch driver I get a incompatibility message.

Do you have any other idea for solving the issue?


Thank you,


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