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3078 Discussions

Sample Decoder for screen capture using HW is slow on Windows10 Enterprise

New Contributor III


I am running sample_decode application (from Intel Media Samples for screen capturing on a Windows10 enterprise machine (laptop) using HW decoding option. My screen resolution is 1366x768, graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 4000 and driver is updated with latest version as per my understanding. But I am getting a slow capture speed (15~18 fps only) on this machine. I also see "WARNING: partial acceleration" message on command prompt when running this sample decoder app.

I am attaching the system analyzer log of this laptop for your reference. Can you please analyse it and let me know the reason of slow capture speed on this laptop?



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7 Replies

Hi Ramashankar, 

Currently with MSDK 2016 API version 1.17, HW acceleration is not supported on Win 10. This limitation is captured in Media SDK release notes page no. 13: 

"Windows 10 acceleration currently unsupported, plugin will fall back to standard Microsoft functions, and performance drop can be observed."



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New Contributor III

Hi Harsh,

Currently with MSDK 2016 API version 1.17, HW acceleration is not supported on Win 10. 

1. Is this limitation only with MSDK 2016 API version 1.17, or with all previous MSDK version and HW API version also? I am using INDE 2013 setup and HW API version 1.11 in my Win10 environment. So is this also comes under limitation?

2. Is this HW acceleration limitation applicable for screen capture plugin only or all other decoders and encoders too?


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Hi Ramashankar,

Please consider updating to latest MSDK 2016, API 1.17 as current version you are using INDE 2013 setup (is old). We regularly update and provide fixes for known issues with every MSDK release. (

1. Is this limitation only with MSDK 2016 API version 1.17, or with all previous MSDK version and HW API version also? I am using INDE 2013 setup and HW API version 1.11 in my Win10 environment. So is this also comes under limitation?

-> This limitation is also applicable for "INDE 2013 setup and HW API version 1.11 in my Win10 environment" scenario and only on Windows 10 OS for screen capture plugin feature.

2. Is this HW acceleration limitation applicable for screen capture plugin only or all other decoders and encoders too?

-> This limitation is applicable and specifically for screen capture plugin only on Win10 and not for any other decoders/encoders. As, I pointed above please refer to msdk release notes limitations page.   



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New Contributor III

Hi Harsh,

Thanks for your detailed reply.

Sorry I wrote 'INDE 2013' by mistake, its INDE 2015 which I am using currently to develop my custom applications. However, that Win10 laptop is having 3rd generation CPU and HD graphics 4000 card so supporting MSDK HW API version 1.11 only.

Yes I understand that we should move to new MSDK version 2016, but due to some reason we are stick with MSDK 2015 (API version 1.15) currently.

-> This limitation is applicable and specifically for screen capture plugin only on Win10 and not for any other decoders/encoders. As, I pointed above please refer to msdk release notes limitations page.

So is there any plan in near future to provide HW acceleration support for screen capture plugin on Win10 also? Or is there any work around currently to achieve this HW acc support?


0 Kudos

Hi Ramashankar, 

So is there any plan in near future to provide HW acceleration support for screen capture plugin on Win10 also? Or is there any work around currently to achieve this HW acc support?

-> Unfortunately, cannot disclose any future plans of support feature. However, you should expect this support with new releases and all new features with every msdk release will be captured in release notes. In regard to workaround, this is a limitation in graphics driver and as a workaround to support acceleration on Win10, screen capture plugin is using Microsoft functions (DXVA path) and your application is already using this path ("WARNING: partial acceleration" message) when it runs on Win10.   


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New Contributor III

Hi Harsh,

Thanks for the information regarding future support and graphics driver limitation. I understood.

As the current workaround in screen capture plugin (using Microsoft functions (DXVA path)) is not giving good performance in my case, so I moved to Microsoft Desktop Duplication APIs. It is giving comparatively better performance (25~30 fps). 

So you can close this thread now.


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Hi Ramashankar,

Sure, will close this thread. 

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