Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Simple_2_decode Coredump



I'm using media sdk 2015 R4 ( centos 7.0 / Intel Core i5-3470 CPU ), but coredumped while running simple_2_decode.

The tracer info as below , anyone could help?

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfx_tracer: dll_init() +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfx_tracer: lib=/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfx_tracer: dll_init() -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXInit(mfxIMPL impl=1026, mfxVersion *ver=0x7fff0bcc62d0, mfxSession *session=0x19ed280) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxIMPL impl=1026
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     10mfxVersion* ver=0x7fff0bcc62d0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Major=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Minor=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Version=65536
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXInit called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxIMPL impl=1026
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     10mfxVersion* ver=0x7fff0bcc62d0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Major=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Minor=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46       ver.Version=65536
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXInit(0.241 msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXQueryVersion(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxVersion *version=0x19ed28c) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Major=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Minor=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Version=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXQueryVersion called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Major=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Minor=14
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Version=65550
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXQueryVersion(0.001 msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXQueryVersion(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxVersion *version=0x7fff0bcc63c0) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Major=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Minor=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Version=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXQueryVersion called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Major=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Minor=14
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     version.Version=65550
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXQueryVersion(0    msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoCORE_SetHandle(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxHandleType type=4, mfxHDL hdl=0x19fade0) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxHandleType type=4
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxHDL* hdl=0x7fff0bcc6758
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXVideoCORE_SetHandle called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxHandleType type=4
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxHDL* hdl=0x7fff0bcc6758
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoCORE_SetHandle(0.005 msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeHeader(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxBitstream *bs=0x7fff0bcc6f20, mfxVideoParam *par=0x7fff0bcc6fd0) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.EncryptedData=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DecodeTimeStamp=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.TimeStamp=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataOffset=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataLength=267554
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.MaxLength=1048576
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.PicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.FrameType=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.AsyncDepth=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5=0x7fff0bcc7054
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BRCParamMultiplier=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Width=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Height=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecId=541283905
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecProfile=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecLevel=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumThread=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetUsage=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopPicSize=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopRefDist=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopOptFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.IdrInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RateControlMethod=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InitialDelayInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPI=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Accuracy=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPP=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ICQQuality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.MaxKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Convergence=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumSlice=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumRefFrame=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.EncodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.DecodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ExtendedPicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TimeStampCalc=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.SliceGroupsPresent=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved2[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Rotation=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGColorFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InterleavedDec=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved3[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Interleaved=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Quality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RestartInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.Protected=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.IOPattern=32
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeHeader called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.EncryptedData=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DecodeTimeStamp=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.TimeStamp=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataOffset=6
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataLength=267548
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.MaxLength=1048576
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.PicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.FrameType=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.DataFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     bs.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.AsyncDepth=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5=0x7fff0bcc7054
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BRCParamMultiplier=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC=842094158
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Width=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Height=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN=60
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD=2
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecId=541283905
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecProfile=100
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecLevel=12
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumThread=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetUsage=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopPicSize=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopRefDist=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopOptFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.IdrInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RateControlMethod=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InitialDelayInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPI=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Accuracy=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPP=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ICQQuality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.MaxKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Convergence=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumSlice=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumRefFrame=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.EncodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.DecodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ExtendedPicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TimeStampCalc=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.SliceGroupsPresent=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved2[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Rotation=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGColorFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InterleavedDec=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved3[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Interleaved=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Quality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RestartInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.Protected=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.IOPattern=32
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeHeader(0.348 msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxVideoParam *par=0x7fff0bcc6fd0, mfxFrameAllocRequest *request=0x7fff0bcc6f70) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.AsyncDepth=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5=0x7fff0bcc7054
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BRCParamMultiplier=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC=842094158
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Width=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Height=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN=60
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD=2
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecId=541283905
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecProfile=100
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecLevel=12
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumThread=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetUsage=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopPicSize=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopRefDist=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopOptFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.IdrInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RateControlMethod=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InitialDelayInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPI=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Accuracy=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPP=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ICQQuality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.MaxKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Convergence=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumSlice=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumRefFrame=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.EncodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.DecodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ExtendedPicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TimeStampCalc=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.SliceGroupsPresent=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved2[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Rotation=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGColorFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InterleavedDec=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved3[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Interleaved=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Quality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RestartInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.Protected=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.IOPattern=32
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FourCC=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.Width=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.Height=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropW=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropH=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FrameRateExtN=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FrameRateExtD=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.AspectRatioW=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.AspectRatioH=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.PicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.ChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Type=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.NumFrameMin=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.NumFrameSuggested=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 >> MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf called
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.AsyncDepth=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5=0x7fff0bcc7054
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BRCParamMultiplier=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC=842094158
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Width=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Height=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN=60
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD=2
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecId=541283905
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecProfile=100
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecLevel=12
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumThread=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetUsage=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopPicSize=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopRefDist=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopOptFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.IdrInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RateControlMethod=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InitialDelayInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPI=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Accuracy=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPP=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ICQQuality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.MaxKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Convergence=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumSlice=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumRefFrame=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.EncodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.DecodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ExtendedPicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TimeStampCalc=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.SliceGroupsPresent=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved2[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Rotation=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGColorFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InterleavedDec=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved3[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Interleaved=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Quality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RestartInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.Protected=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.IOPattern=32
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FourCC=842094158
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.Width=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.Height=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropW=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.CropH=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FrameRateExtN=60
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.FrameRateExtD=2
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.AspectRatioW=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.AspectRatioH=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.PicStruct=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.ChromaFormat=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Info.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.Type=578
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.NumFrameMin=5
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.NumFrameSuggested=5
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     request.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf(0.006 msec, status=0) -

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46 function: MFXVideoDECODE_Init(mfxSession session=0x19f2d60, mfxVideoParam *par=0x7fff0bcc6fd0) +
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     mfxSession session=0x19fae28
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.AsyncDepth=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5=0x7fff0bcc7054
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BRCParamMultiplier=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.TemporalId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.PriorityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.DependencyId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.QualityId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.mfxFrameId.ViewId=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC=842094158
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Width=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.Height=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW=176
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH=96
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN=60
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD=2
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved3=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat=1
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.FrameInfo.reserved2=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecId=541283905
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecProfile=100
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.CodecLevel=12
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumThread=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetUsage=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopPicSize=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopRefDist=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.GopOptFlag=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.IdrInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RateControlMethod=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InitialDelayInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPI=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Accuracy=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TargetKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPP=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ICQQuality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.MaxKbps=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.QPB=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Convergence=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumSlice=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.NumRefFrame=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.EncodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.DecodedOrder=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.ExtendedPicStruct=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.TimeStampCalc=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.SliceGroupsPresent=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved2[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGChromaFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Rotation=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.JPEGColorFormat=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.InterleavedDec=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved3[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Interleaved=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.Quality=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.RestartInterval=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.mfx.reserved5[]={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.Protected=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.IOPattern=32
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.NumExtParam=0
26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.ExtParam=0

26412 2016-3-30 7:58:46     par.reserved2=0

0 Kudos
1 Reply

Media Server Studio 2015 R4 for Linux does not support 3rd Generation Core processors.  Looking at the release notes, this release was for 4th Generation Core/Haswell only.  The last version of Media Server Studio on the 16.3 driver branch (with 3rd Generation Core/Ivybridge support) was 2015 R2.

Current releases are on the 16.4 branch of the Linux driver, which supports 4th Generation Core (Haswell) and 5th Generation Core (Broadwell).

Regards, Jeff

0 Kudos