Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
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For more information, see the VPL website.
3075 Discussions is missing - full transcode sample Linux


Finally, the full_transcode is available for linux.
BUT ..... is missing ....
What comes next - i have to purchase it again, like i did with libmfxaudiosw64.dll or how can i find it ?
Thank you in advance.

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2 Replies

Thanks for this report.    The audio library will be made available in a future release.  This is a known limitation which was missed in the documentation.  For now you can use the sample for container inputs which do not have audio tracks.  While of course it would be preferable to process audio this at least allows a preview of "full" processing.

You've probably already got the prerequisites installed, but for the benefit of others reading about the full transcode sample I'd just like to mention that to use this sample ffmpeg 2.1.4 shared libraries must be installed on your system.  This can be (minimally) accomplished with

(in ffmpeg 2.1.4 source directory):
$ configure --enable-shared --disable-static
$ make
$ make install

You should then be able to run with an input (without audio tracks) like this:

(in /opt/intel/mediasdk/samples/_bin/x64)
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./:/usr/local/lib"
$ ./sample_full_transcode_drm -i test_no_audio.mp4 -v:b 2000 -o testout.m2ts -hw

Regards, Jeff

0 Kudos

Dear Jeff,

thank you for your reply.

I am little disappointed, but let me ask you - what could be the time of this future release ?

Currently, i am transcoding video only, but can you give me a hint - can i send the audio to external library - let's say libfdk_aac for processing?

My concern is the synchronisation between audio and video.



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