Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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Audio AAC Decoder-Intel Media SDK 2016 support


Hi there,

i have downloaded latest sdk-2016 to work over Audio AAC decoding part.I had gone through manuals of sdk,audio and all.Downloaded samples.Dint find proper way how to integrate audio aac decoding support.If you guys guide us that will be great.We want some samples for aac decoding integration separately or with video mixed however

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4 Replies

Hello Jenifer, 

Unfortunately, we do not have samples showcasing audio processing with current samples version. However, if you are really interested in a reference sample, you can take a look at sample_full_transcode (available in deprecated package here). Please note, these are deprecated legacy samples (mean no longer supported) and are still up just as a reference. Let us know if you any questions and we will be happy to answer any questions you may on our Audio plugin. 


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Thanks Jain.Even for audio plugin we are unable to find source code or pseudo code..Can you please tell us ways to start audio-aac-decoding?Or any other ways for AAC decoding with MedisSDK-2016?

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Hello Jenifer, 

First, let me explain our Audio processing solution, which is a software implementation and provided/distributed as a plugin with MediaSDK. It adds audio (ex. AAC) encode and decode capabilities. We do not share or provide source code to our Audio plugins (libmfxaudiosw64.dll and libmfxaudiosw32.dll) in particular. But, in your application you can make function calls which calls forth audio plugin to perform audio-aac-decode. To get started below is a initializing pseudo code for audio-aac-decoding: 

// Include Audio header files
# include "mfxaudio.h"
# include "mfxaudio++.h" // For C++ development (optional)

// Initialize Intel MediaSDK audio session
// -MFX_IMPL_AUDIO loads Audio library and can be used only with MFX_IMPL_SOFTWARE
// Check Audio version for backwards compatibility
sts = MFXInit(MFX_IMPL_AUDIO | MFX_IMPL_SOFTWARE, &SWversion, &Audiosession);
       if (MFX_ERR_NONE == sts)
       MFXQueryVersion(Audiosession, &version);
       printf("Audio version:%d.%d API Level: %d.%d\n",
       SWversion.Major, SWversion.Minor,
       version.Major, version.Minor);
       mfxIMPL implTest = 0;
       sts = MFXQueryIMPL(Audiosession, &implTest);
       printf("audio impl %d %d\n", implTest, sts);
// Create a MediaSDK Audio (AAC) decoder session
MFXAudioDECODE mfxDEC(session)

// set required video parameters for decode 
mfxAudioParam par;
memset(&par, 0, sizeof(par));
par.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AAC; // set for AAC decoding
// Query decode
sts = MFXAudiodecode_Query(Audiosession, 0, &par);
printf("get param %d\n", sts);

 I suggest taking look at simple_decode tutorial here ( Tutorial shows  video decoding with MediaSDK, but you can follow this tutorial to implement similar structure for audio-aac-decoding. Also, steps to be followed by an application for audio decoding is available on Page no. 6 in reference manual for Audio processing. 



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Thanks Jain ,let me look into the code.

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