Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

libmfx-Server vs libmfx-Client

New Contributor I


Are there any run-time calls that can be used to determine which libmfx library a program was linked against? [client vs server]

I know about MFXInit, MFXQueryIMPL, MFXQueryVersion but I do not see how they can reveal whether you linked against the client or server libmfx.

Further, is the client libmfx.lib supported against the server libmfx{hw,sw}64.dll, and visa versa? Is there any guidance or recommendations here?


Thank you for any feedback.



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3 Replies

It should not matter whether the 64 bit server or client dispatcher was linked.  The SDK is designed to allow apps to run on a wide variety of systems.  Your app should specify the minimum API level needed and as long as the target system supports that level or above your app should run.  Provided you're not using a feature only supported on the client side, you should be able to develop with client and deploy with server.

Regards, Jeff

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New Contributor I


I ran into a bug recently where one of the original transcoder tutorials with tweaks was hanging after about 5GB of data. [simple_transcode_opaque_async_vppresize]

I changed two things, and the issue went away, I switched from x32 to x64 compile/link, and I switched to a server libmfx.lib, since the driver I was running against was on Win server.

When I changed from x32 to x64 the QueryImpl return changed from 0x302 to 0x202, indicating a change from D3D11 to D3D9.

I suspect the change from x32 to x64 and the d3d change caused the issue to disappear, not the libmfx switch.

Here is the other context details.

Operating system: Win Server 2012 R2
HW version:1.3 API Level: 1.10
libmfxhw32/64 File Version:
libmfxhw32/64 Product Version: 5.0.33362.27558

Details of tutorial hanging:  x32 binary / libmfx: Media SDK 2014 for Clients / mfximpl return: 0x302
Details of tutorial fixed:  x64 binary / libmfx: Media SDK 2014 R2 for WinSrvrs / mfximpl return: 0x202

Let me know if you guys want exact reproduction instructions.

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Hi Cameron,

We would appreciate if you provided a reproducer, the issue look serious. 



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