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Any reported issues with NIOS IDE using vista?

Honored Contributor II

Hi Everyone, 


I have just spent all afternoon trying to figure out why I have been getting a stack overflow error when trying to compile my project in NIOS IDE using Vista. When I tried the same installation on my XP machine, no problems, and so far as I can tell, there are no patches/upgrade available for vista. 


Could anyone confirm my theory, and possibly a upgrade/service pack for use with vista. I have tried the available service pack, but when I run it, the message comes back to say that I haven't installed the IDE yet, even though I had been working on it for the previous two hours!! 


Thank you in advance, 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Yes I saw that a lot running on 64-bit Vista. I also know that running Logitect setpoint software with the IDE open can be quite painful (it's some sort of conflict with Eclipse). I haven't seen any issues yet using the new software built tools for Eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit edition and I would expect the same on Vista. 


Worst comes to worst I typically install virtualization software and run whatever guest OS I want. Virtualbox from Sun seems to do a pretty good job and they support the latest host operating systems from Windows. Disk accesses can be a bit slow as well as accessing a USB-Blaster through the virtual layer but it works.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi there Bad Omen, 


Well at least It's not me being stupid then :) 


I have not heard of this virtualization software before, but just googled it, I shall have a look back at work, after the holidays have gone. 


Thanks for the reply anyway, 


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Honored Contributor II

The Altera tools have limited Vista support as a result of these issues so it's not just you by any means. 


I used to run Quartus II on a virtual OS of XP.... running inside of the same version of XP and saw only around a 5% speed drop for compiles. If you run Linux virtually on Windows I bet you'll see the IDE speed up a lot just like it runs on Linux natively. VMware server is another one that I have toyed with over the years but last time I checked it was not the greatest on Vista. Windows 7 comes with "XP mode" which is their own virtualization software with a copy of XP running inside..... I didn't trust it though so I'm not sure how well the Altera tools run virtually using it.
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