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I declare nios system on qsys and successfulyy generate it.When I Compile project , ı got following error ,please help me ...I am doing same as tutorial in terassic web page but ı could not achive system...
Info: ******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis Info: Version 11.0 Build 157 04/27/2011 SJ Web Edition Info: Processing started: Sat Dec 03 19:11:23 2011 Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off cpu -c cpu Warning: Parallel compilation is not licensed and has been disabled Info: Elaborating Qsys system entity "niosTest.qsys" Info: 2011.12.03.19:11:26 Progress: Loading nios/niosTest.qsys Info: NiosTest.onchip_memory2_0: Memory will be initialized from onchip_memory2_0.hex Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: add_interface_port: input not allowed for Direction, must be in {[Input, Output, Bidir]} Error: NiosTest.: set_parameter_property: system_info not allowed for "niosTest:inst|niosTest_onchip_memory2_0:onchip_memory2_0" Error: Can't elaborate user hierarchy "niosTest:inst|niosTest_onchip_memory2_0:onchip_memory2_0" Info: Generated suppressed messages file C:/Users/Aces/Desktop/nios/cpu.map.smsg Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 69 errors, 26 warnings Error: Peak virtual memory: 273 megabytes Error: Processing ended: Sat Dec 03 19:11:37 2011 Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:14 Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:14Link Copied
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