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Licensing Problem

Honored Contributor II

I have just received the new license from my app. eng for the NIOS II processor core 

(Vendor code: 0x6AF7 and 0x6AF8 product 0x00A2) I installed it, it now shows up 

in the window "Licensed AMPP/MegaCore functions" in Quartis under options, etc. 

However, this still does not fix my original problem which is: 

when I configure the FPGA (Stratix) I get the small window saying: 


OpenCore Plus Status 

Click Cancel to stop using OpenCore Plus IP 

Time remaining: unlimited 


Which if I click kills the download.  


My question is do I need a number of codes/products that make up the NIOS II ? 

Am I missing a step in the license installation? Please help. Thanks.<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II



If you previously generated a core with an OCP license, you&#39;ll need to regenerate the core (in SOPC Builder) and then compile in Quartus II in order to generate non-OCPed RTL code. 


If you&#39;re using Linux, there have been issues obtaining licenses which will be fixed in the next version. 


IMO, it&#39;s a _pain_ that you have to keep the OCP window open (in Quartus II), but it shouldn&#39;t prevent you from getting work done. You&#39;ve just got to keep this open and, perhaps, reprogram the FPGA every now and then. 


Best of luck and Best Regards, 


- slacker
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Honored Contributor II

The other gotcha is that if you&#39;ve created a time-limited SOF in your Quartus project directory and then add a license and generate 

a normal non-time-limited SOF, the Quartus programmer might choose the time-limited SOF instead of the more recent non-time-limited SOF. 

I&#39;ve been bitten by this before. Just make sure your SOF filename doesn&#39;t contain words something like "foo_time_limited.sof" in the Quartus programmer.
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by james@Apr 10 2005, 12:28 AM 

the other gotcha is that if you&#39;ve created a time-limited sof in your quartus project directory and then add a license and generate 

a normal non-time-limited sof, the quartus programmer might choose the time-limited sof instead of the more recent non-time-limited sof. 

i&#39;ve been bitten by this before.  just make sure your sof filename doesn&#39;t contain words something like "foo_time_limited.sof" in the quartus programmer. 

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That was it !!! Thanks, I just deleted the "time_limited.sof" and it works not. The sw should 

automatically delete the time_limited.sof don&#39;t you think? 


Thanks again.<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

originally posted by slacker@Apr 8 2005, 10:46 PM 

imo, it&#39;s a _pain_ that you have to keep the ocp window open (in quartus ii), but it shouldn&#39;t prevent you from getting work done.  you&#39;ve just got to keep this open and, perhaps, reprogram the fpga every now and then. 

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I&#39;m not sure this helps, but an alternative way to open &#39;quartus 2 programmer&#39; is by launching it from tools menu in nios ide, when in debug perspective. 

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