Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Multiprocessor Nios 2 System + VIC (urgent!)

Colaborador honorário II
954 Visualizações

Now, I'm spending over two weeks on VIC and it doesn't work as expected. 

This is a serious problem for me, my bachelor thesis will end in less than 4 weeks. 


I read all threads, containing "vic" or "vector interrupt controller" in this forum. I read a lot of altera literature: 


- AN595: Vectored Interrupt Controller Usage and Applications 

- 8. Exception Handling 

- Creating Multiprocessor Nios II Systems 

- Nios II Embedded Design Suite Release Notes and Errata 

- Instantiating the Nios II Processor in SOPC Builder 


Inspected the AN595 and nios ii multiprocessor design example ( examples and it is still not working. Where is the mistake ? 


software environment: Quartus II and Nios II IDE SBT v9.1sp2  


system environment: 3 CPUs, shared memory data exchange 


sopc-overview (

sopc-overview (

sopc-nios ii -> advanced features (

sopc-inthand (


use-case: cpu1 writes in cpu1_IntGen pio which is connected with cpu2_IntHand pio. cpu2_IntHand triggers on rising and falling edges, creating an interrupt request. This is done 10x times, with 50 ms delay. 


I tested this use case on systems without a vector interrupt controller. All fine! 

(One project each for cpu1 and cpu2. Then "Debug As" both projects) 




void task1(void* pdata) { int i; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { IOWR(PIO_PIN_OUT_BASE, 0, 0xff); IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(CPU1_INTGEN_BASE, 0x1); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 50); IOWR(PIO_PIN_OUT_BASE, 0, 0xff); IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(CPU1_INTGEN_BASE, 0x0); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 50); } printf("Sender finished"); }  



int main() { printf("Starting internal interrupt roundtrip performance test.\n"); interrupt_watch_value = 0; timer_interrupt_latency_init ((void *)CPU2_INTHAND_BASE,CPU2_INTHAND_IRQ_INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_ID,CPU2_INTHAND_IRQ); printf("%d\n", &timer_interrupt_latency_irq); while (interrupt_watch_value < 10) { /* wait for interrupt */ } printf("Interrupt occured"); printf("\nSending EOT to force an exit.%c",EOT); return 0; } // ISR INIT void timer_interrupt_latency_init (void* base, alt_u32 irq_controller_id, alt_u32 irq) { /* Register the interrupt */ alt_ic_isr_register(irq_controller_id, irq, timer_interrupt_latency_irq, base, NULL); /* Enable CPU2 interrupts (PIN1) */ IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_IRQ_MASK(CPU2_INTHAND_BASE, 0x2); /* Reset the edge capture register. */ IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_EDGE_CAP(CPU2_INTHAND_BASE, 0x2); } // ISR void timer_interrupt_latency_irq (void* base) { IOWR(PIO_PIN_OUT_BASE, 0, 0x0); //set to low, stop DigiView timing analyzing IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_EDGE_CAP(CPU2_INTHAND_BASE, 0x2); /*Stop timer */ interrupt_watch_value += 1; }  


problem: In debug mode, there is no output when more than one cpu is used (simple texts with printf). Alone, when only one cpu is used, all fine ! 

Even sometimes, an interrupt request is processed, but only once. Why ? 


I appreciate any comment, thanks. 


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