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Packet details

Honored Contributor II



I am working on NiosII development kit Cyclone edition. I want to see the packet fileds (Source add, Destination add , port no etc) of the packets entering the board. Could anyone help me out.Which driver I have to initialize and which structure provide me these details. 


Waiting anxiously for the reply 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II
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Honored Contributor II



Ethereal will help me to see packet details enterine the PC, not the packets entering the nios board.I want to see the packets entering the nios board by using the functions and data structures provided by nios development kit. 

I am not getting any idea of which driver to initialize and which structure variables to access, so that i get information of the source address, dest address,port numbers of the packet
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by basheer@Feb 1 2006, 01:40 AM 



ethereal will help me to see packet details enterine the pc, not the packets entering the nios board.i want to see the packets entering the nios board by using the functions and data structures provided by nios development kit. 

i am not getting any idea of which driver to initialize and which structure variables to access, so that i get information of the source address, dest address,port numbers of the packet 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=12485) 

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You have given no information on what your hardware setup is other than you are using an evaluation kit; ie: are you using an OS such as uClinux, are you using a standalone tcp/ip stack, or do you not even have either of those... before you can look at what packets are coming in, you need to have communication working successfully. So this means either booting uClinux, implementing a tcp/ip stack such as lwip, or writing your own code. There is no "driver that you can initialize", it&#39;s not that simple.
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